Saturday, July 1, 2023

Saturday and a Thunderstorm

I slept much better last night and was up at my usual 5:00AM. I am doing laundry this morning. I am out of everything. After I dressed and turned on the TV for the "weather on the 8's",  I checked outside for Blondie but he was not out there. I didn't think he would be because of the storm.  Maybe it will let up sometime today and he will come later.

I could put his food out there under the shelter of front door roof just in case he braves the elements for food.. 

Blondie finally came and I took his food out to him and he ate and when he left I took it back in the garage and covered it. We had a hiatus with the rain. I am hesitating to take my walk because it may start raining again and I don't want to get wet.

Today is Leslie's  birthday. She is 66 years old. Her older brother's birthday is the third of August and he will be 68 years old then. And her younger brother will be 63 years old in November. My children are all senior citizens and what does that make me?'re right!

A very senior citizen!

But here is the weather forecast. Today is to be 88 degrees and AM thunderstorms, tomorrow is to be 91 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 94 degrees and mostly sunny, Tuesday is to be 94 degrees and  Mostly sunny, Wednesday is supposed to be 94 degrees and PM thunderstorms, Thursday is supposed to be 85 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Friday is supposed to be 97 degrees mostly cloudy. That's the week!  Three days of thunderstorms, Wednesday and Thursday. We need the rain!

Since it's raining today, I will probably just read and perhaps dust the apartment. Right now my laundry is in the dryer. I got it folded and put away.

Then I read most of the morning.

More Later...I asked Sally to go to Copan Restaurant with me for lunch. We had a cup of beef vegetable soup. That's what we ate and then we split a piece of German Chocolate pie afterward.

More Later...


Friday, June 30, 2023

Friday and Apartment Cleaning

I slept poorly last night and finally at 2:00AM in the morning, I took some more Melatonin. That helped me get back to sleep. I was up earlier then usual. I opened the front door to Blondie..waiting for his breakfast. I fed him and soon after, I fixed my own breakfast. I had dressed and had the TV on and soon "the weather on the 8's" came on.

Today is to be100 degrees and sunny, Saturday is to be 90 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Sunday is to be 92 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 94 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be 95 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 96 degrees and partly cloudy and Thursday is to be 84 degrees and AM thunderstorms. That's the week! It looks like plenty of hot weather and two days of thunderstorms  ..Saturday and Thursday. Its 81 degrees already and 6:59AM. In a little while I will take my walk while I can.

It's 7:34AM and I just got back home from my mile walk. I picked up a small sack of trash...not a lot but some.

Now I will read awhile while I try to work up the energy to clean the apartment. It's 81 degrees out there and plenty humid!

More Even Later... 

I got the apartment cleaned and vacuumed. It's 4:07PM now.

Then I went up to Independence and got a gift certificate for Leslie's birthday on the 1st of July. I wanted to get a gift certificate for the fish place but they are no longer carrying them there. So I bought one for another favorite place I like to eat. I hope they do too. I took it by their home and gave it to her. She will get her birthday card in a couple of days.

More Later..


Thursday, June 29, 2023

Thursday and No Real Plan for today

 I slept well again last night That Melatonin seems to work well...especially the gummies. I was up at 5:00AM, made my bed and fixed my breakfast and am eating it here in the den. No sign of Blondie yet but it's not 6:00M yet. I did get "the weather on the 8's" though. 

Today is to be 103 degrees and  mostly sunny, tomorrow is to be 101 degrees and partly cloudy, Saturday is to be 90 degrees and cloudy, Sunday is to be 91 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 94 degrees and mostly sunny, Tuesday is to be 93 degrees and partly cloudy, and Wednesday is to be 94 degrees and PM thunderstorms. That's it for the week. One day of rain. Otherwise, plenty hot!

The mower never did come mow yesterday. I may have to do it myself. But at 103 degrees today, that may be way too hot for me to mow.  More Later...

My mower came for a couple of rounds in my front yard and then begged off for an hour. He had run out of gas for his mower and needed to make some phone calls. It least..that's what he told me. We will see. I am thinking of going to see Nancy today since I missed seeing her on Monday when I had my doctor's appointment.

I finished the autobiography of Demi Moore, the movie star, and will take the book up to the library drop box before I leave for Bartlesville. So far the mower has not come back. So we will see.

If he doesn't get back to it soon, it will be 103 degrees and too hot for him to mow.

More Later.. 

I went on down to Nancy's Assisted Living intending to take her to lunch but I quickly learned she had fallen and was bruised all over her face. She looked like someone had given her a terrible beating. 

As it turned out, she had fallen about a week ago and was covered on her face with bruises. I didn't even have her get dressed. I knew she was in no shape to be out among people. I stayed an hour and a half and visited and then left and told her I would be back on Monday.

I got home at 12:24PM and the mower had been back and finished my mowing. It looked nice. I am so glad he got it finished. I going to try to warm up my hamburger from Sunday. I will try the microwave first.

More Later... 

That hamburger warmed up fine in the microwave and that's what I had for lunch.

My classmate friend, Dean, is planning to come for a visit the 20th of July until the 22nd of July. His son, Rod, is doing much better now. He did have to go back in the hospital for one more week. That young man has had a trial although I think he handles it well.  Dean takes good care of him and has even though Rod has been paralyzed since he was 17 years old. (He dove into the shallow end of a swimming pool and broke his neck.) He is in his 50's now. he went on to college and got a law degree and then decided he didn't want to be a paralyzed lawyer. So he got an IT degree and bought a van with a lift on it and works on computers there in Topeka. I really admire their gumption.

More Later..

It's a little past 7:00PM  and I have just had my bath and put my pajamas and robe on. I read one of the condensed books I got from Reader's Digest. It was good. I think there are four more.

I watched the CBS evening news before my bath and I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM or thereabouts. Tomorrow, I may trim the yard if it doesn't rain. I also want to clean the apartment. It will be a bigger day. Of course, I also want to take my walk probably about 7:30AM.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wednesday and Game Day

I slept well again last night and was up at my usual 5:00AM..or actually, a little later. I made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day.

I found Blondie lying outside my front door waiting for his breakfast. I took it right out to him and he ate and finally left.  

I fixed my breakfast and turned on the TV and watched for "the weather on the 8's" which finally came on at 6:48AM.

Here's the week's forecast. Today is to be 101degrees and partly cloudy, tomorrow is to be 105 degrees and  mostly sunny, Friday is to be 102 degrees and mostly sunny, Saturday is to be 89 degrees and AM thunderstorms and Sunday is to be 91 degrees and mostly sunny, Monday is to be 92 degrees and partly cloudy and Tuesday is to be 94 degrees and isolated thunderstorms. It looks like two days of rain in the next week, Saturday and Tuesday...otherwise very hot weather..early this week over 100 degrees! 

I have my hair appointment at 9:00AM this morning and game day at 1:00PM this afternoon. Janet, at the senior center, is supposed to give me the hedge trimmer. She needs to get rid of it and I have borrowed it once and now she is offering it to me to keep. I will certainly take it and use it!

More Later... if I am going to take my walk, I need to do it right away. I will need to leave for Coffeyville at 8:30AM and it's 7:05AM right now. I just got back home from my walk and it's 7:53AM. I had better get over to Coffeyville by 9:00AM., my hair appointment. I picked up another half a bag of trash this morning and put it in my dumpster when I got home.

More when I get home from the senior center and game day. If it doesn't rain later this afternoon, I will trim the hedge.

So More Then.... 

I got home from game day at 5:00PM. We had a good time and Karan won the game. 

The mower didn't come. I guess the grass must have been too wet. I hate that. I hope the mower can come tomorrow. Maybe it was just too hot for him. It's supposed to be 105 degrees here tomorrow.

I went to visit Marilyn after the game day and stayed an hour or so.

When I got home I found it's awfully warm in the apartment  so I turned on the air conditioning.

I haven't heard from Scott and Ginger in some time. I hope everything is alright with them. 

I guess I will go back to my book for now. It's only 5:19PM. About 7:00PM I will take my bath. I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Tuesday and Still Reading and Now Raining

 I slept well again last night and was up at my usual 5:00AM, made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day. I found Blondie at the door waiting for his breakfast and I fed him. When he was finished, and had left, I took the cat food in the garage and covered it.

Then I went out and picked the dead blooms off my hanging basket flowers. I will water the basket flowers and the flowers out by the mailbox in just a little while. It's 6:53AM and I just caught "the weather on the 8's". It doesn't look good for the mowing tomorrow. And tomorrow is also my hair appointment at 9:00AM and game day at the senior center in Coffeyville.

Today is to be 95 degrees and partly cloudy, Tomorrow is to be 105 degrees and  partly cloudy, Thursday is to be 107 degrees and mostly sunny, Friday is to be 104 degrees and partly cloudy, Saturday is to be 93 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Sunday is to be 91 degrees and partly cloud, and Monday is to be 95 degrees and partly cloudy. It looks like the rain will be only on Saturday. Earlier in the week will be extremely the 100's. I am not looking forward to that.

I have also had my breakfast this morning and am having my Chai Latte now.. I did finish the first book Denise gave me last night and will donate it to our library when I take my walk this morning. I don't have a plan for today at this point. I will at least start another of the books she gave me.

More Later... It's 7:04AM and time for my walk.

It's 7:49AM and I just got back from my walk. I picked up a half bag of trash this morning. That's more then lately. It will be terrible after the 4th of July. ..mark my words! I dropped the book I just finished into the book drop at the library with a note donating it to their book sale. I guess I will go start another of Denise's books.

I did water the flower beds before I left.

I have been reading most of the morning. Now it's beginning to rain. I was hoping to get the yard mowed tomorrow but I doubt that the grass will be dry with this rain. It's thundering and beginning to rain now. 

It stopped raining in the early afternoon and I am hoping the yard will be dry tomorrow so my mower can mow for me while I am at game day at the senior center tomorrow afternoon.

I ate one of my TV dinners and ate my lunch in front of the TV.

More Even Later... 

I read almost all afternoon and also watched the CBS evening news at 5:30PM and finally took my bath at 6:20PM and put my pajamas and robe on. I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM. 

Monday, June 26, 2023

Monday and Perhaps No Trip to see Nancy

I slept very well last night and was up at my usual 5:00AM. I made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day.

Blondie was out there for his breakfast early this morning. He ate some of his food and then got interested in some birds across the street and left to check them out. I have not yet had my breakfast. But I did catch the weather forecast.

Today is to be  93 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 94 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 106 degrees and partly cloudy, Thursday is to be 106 degrees and partly cloudy and Friday is to be 103 degrees partly cloudy, Saturday is t be 90 degrees and AM thunderstorms, and Sunday is to be 91 degrees and partly cloudy. Just some more scorching weather and one day of rain.

After awhile I will call the doctor's office and see if I can get in for an exam. My blood pressure which is always just right, has been very high the past couple of days. Of course, the heat has been too. That may have something to do with it.

I finally got hold of the doctor's office and they gave me a 11:45AM appointment.  I had taken my blood pressure this morning and it was 160/84 and it is usually 139/60. Because of my age, they thought I should see the doctor and not just Urgent Care. They said under the circumstances, Urgent Care would have just referred me to the doctor.

I called the assisted living where Nancy lives and asked them to notify her I would not be down today to see her.

When I was with Leslie on Thursday evening watching Cheyenne play softball, Leslie noticed my feet and ankles were very swollen. I figured it was the heat. But the next day on Friday they swelled up again and I took my blood pressure. It was 164/81.

I may go on over to Coffeyville and get the groceries I need. Or I guess I could just go to the market here. All I need to oatmeal, grape cranberry juice and breakfast bars. I can also get my grape flavored water here at our market. I am out of that too. 

So I will go on to the market here before I leave for Coffeyville. And that's what I did.

More Later...

Later I left for Coffeyville after I got a 11:45AM appointment with Dr. Christensen. I waited thirty minutes after my appointment to see the doctor. He explained to me that the blood pressure  medicine I had been taking tended to dilate the vessels in our legs as we get older. He changed it from Amlodipine 5 mg per day to Lisinopril 20 mg tablet per day. In a couple of weeks I am to call him and tell him how it is going.

Cheyenne's next two games are out of town. Parsons for one...maybe both. I asked him to let me know when he knows for sure. I probably won't go because I really have no business driving out of town at night.

I read this afternoon. I notice Stephen mowed this evening. My mower is to come to mow on Wednesday.  Hopefully it won't rain Tuesday or Wednesday.

I just took my bath at 7:00PM and put my pajamas and robe on and will read some more. I would like to finish this book tonight before my 9:00PM bedtime.  My feet and ankles are swollen this evening too. I just noticed.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sunday and a Cookout after Church

I slept well last night again and was up at my usual 5:00AM. I made my bed and got myself ready for the day. I only woke up once and took my two meds and then got right back to sleep.

I am eating my breakfast here in the den. Blondie came plenty early and I fed him, he ate his fill and left and I brought the cat food back in the garage and covered it again.

I even caught "the weather on the 8's" and will share it here.

Today is to be 94 degrees and  sunny, tomorrow is to be is to be 93 degrees sunny, Tuesday is to be 94 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 102 degrees and partly cloudy, Thursday is to be 105 degrees mostly sunny, Friday is to be 100 degrees and partly cloudy and Saturday is to be 91 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. Not much rain in the week's forecast  ..just a possibility on Saturday. But it will be a scorcher of a week! Some days up in the hundreds!

It's 6:31AM now and I will go watch the weather and eat my oatmeal. 

We are having a cookout after church. The McIntosh's and the Brooks are in charge of the cookout. I am taking two large bags of chips. One is Freetos and one is Lays potato chips. I was going to take a cherry pie but Leslie had that covered already.

I noticed I had a wasp nest just outside my front door and I took my broom and knocked it down and swept it out into the front yard.

I am getting ready to take my walk. It is 8:07AM and I am a little later then usual! Luckily someone reminded us to wear our Community of Christ t-shirts with Leslie's name on it. I changed my T shirt to that one. Melissa bought those for her ordination but they didn't come in time for that occasion so we are wearing them now.

I just took my walk and got back at 8:50AM  I got very little trash...some broken glass where the old Blackledge bank building used to be on the southeast corner of 4th and State. It's vacant now but someone has broken glass there. I picked it all up. Other then that, I just got a few pieces of paper. After the 4th of July there will be tons of trash!

More Later..

I went to Coffeyville to the bank and to return a book to the book drop at the Coffeyville library and to get gas at Woodshed.  I also had to get hearing aide batteries. I was almost to Tyro before my right hearing aide said "battery". I tried the Dollar General store first but the clerk there said she thought Country Mart carried hearing aide batteries too and that saved me a trip to Walmart. I found them there and then I went back to the church for the service and the barbecue afterward.

Melissa and Leslie did a good job with the service and John did a good job cooking the hamburgers and hot dogs. Everything else was very good too. Chris's mother did a good job on her baked beans someone else made some excellent potato salad. There was a lot of very good food and Leslie's cherry pie and homemade ice cream was great too. There were two kinds of brownies...some with iceing and some without and both were very good. My chips went well too. I had a large bag of Freetos and a large bag of Lays potato chips.

Later this afternoon after I had read awhile, I watched the Mission Center's evening service on Zoom on the laptop computer.

I notice the wasps are busy rebuilding their nest outside my front door.  I will knock it down again tomorrow morning.

I had recorded 60 Minutes and after the service I watched that too.

Then at 7:30PM, I took my bath and one evening med and put my pajamas and robe on to get back to this computer. It's 8:32PM now and soon I will go to bed.