I got up at almost 6:00AM this morning, dressed and fed myself and Missy and then watched the CBS Morning News. Then I came in and checked my computer for more classmate news. Nothing showed up so I sent out another message that I had almost a full page to fill before I would get the newsletter printed off for those without e-mail and sent out to those with e-mail as an attachment.
So far..nothing.
But not everyone checks their e-mail the first thing in the morning like I do. So maybe something will show up during the day.
I have to bake cookies today for Leslie's cookie exchange party tomorrow afternoon. I will also have to bake the coffeecake in the morning for the Church School class.
I want to get a few Christmas cards out now. Few people are sending them anymore since postage has become so expensive. But I have some people I seldom hear from and I want to send them out one with a letter included.
So more later...
So far I have sent out a dozen and a half Christmas cards, many with Christmas letters included. I have also baked cookies for Leslie's cookie exchange tomorrow afternoon and I also made a batch of peanut clusters. I took a Christmas decorated can of those to Marilyn, my neighbor. So I have been busy...too busy to eat lunch. It's 2:10PM and I have not had lunch yet.
I did take Missy out for a little while. It is fairly nice...it is 52 degrees and just a tiny bit windy. I got her to come back in willingly by asking her if she would like some more treats. I didn't have a bit of argument out of her after that. She scooted right back in.
I guess I will eat the rest of the chicken and noodles I bought yesterday noon out at the Dearing Drive In.
So more later...
My son posted this photo of their land...ready to build.

I spent the afternoon making cookies and ended up also making peanut clusters and packing them into those cute little Christmas decorated cans. I finished my book as well. Thank goodness! I could never get into that book.
Late afternoon, I laid down with Missy on the sofa and watched TV until it began tearing. It has to be weather conditions or the wind blowing through the leaves of that tree that is in the way of the signal. I have had a perfect picture for days and the antenna is just where it has to be to reach the Tulsa signal.
Anyhow, about 6:00PM, I took my bath and put my PJs on and changed to Amazon Prime and watched some TV on that by streaming the signal. I kept falling asleep on the sofa. Finally at 9:00PM, I just went on o bed and Missy soon followed me. I was very tired. It had been a big day.