Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saturday and possible Rain

I slept pretty well last night and was up at 5:00AM as usual. I made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day.

When I opened the front door I found 5 cats waiting for their breakfasts. I took out four bowls and they all dug in! Some are still eating but most have had their fill and left.

I did catch "the weather on the 8's" and here it  is.Today is to be 91 degrees and sunny, tomorrow is to be 84 degrees and PM thunderstorms, Monday is to be 82 degrees and showers. Tuesday is to be 85 degrees and mostly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 90 degrees mostly sunny, Thursday is to be 90 degrees and mostly sunny and Friday is to be 92 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week! Monday is the only day of positive rain. Lots of hot weather though!

More Later,,, 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Friday and Copan for lunch

 I was up at 4:45AM after a restless night sleep. The fireworks went on until midnight. so I got very little sleep until after midnight.

This morning I had 5 cats waiting outside the front door for their breakfast. I took four dishes out to them and they shared.  They are still eating.

I did catch "the weather on the 8's though" and here is this week's forecast.

Today is to be 87 degrees and  partly cloudy,   Saturday is to be 91 degrees and mostly sunny, Sunday is to be 86 degrees and PM thunderstorms, Monday is to be 81 degrees and AM showers, Tuesday is to be 88 degrees and partly cloudy, and Wednesday is to be 91 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week. Sunday and Monday thunderstorms and the rest of the week, just cloudy.

More Later...

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Thursday and Dinner at John and Leslie's Home

I slept well last night although I was hot from time to time and then  finally turned on the air. We are getting new air conditioners since ours are slowly dying and not cooling well at all..They will be on the truck tomorrow and sometime next week they will be installed. I am looking forward to having good cooling again this summer.

I opened the front door to five cats. Four of them were black kittens and one, Blue, is a black adult cat and one of the kittens was blond like Blondie. I took four bowls out to them and they have been eating...all five of them. I will need to buy some more wet cat food when Dollar General opens at 8:00AM.

Leslie texted me yesterday that John was doing much better. I was delighted that he had improved. His foot had become infected again. They drained it again on Monday. He had a very bad night on Monday. But by yesterday it was much better. I have been praying for him. I hope all the prayers of his family and friends continue to help. He has been through so much!

I also saw "the weather on the 8's" and here it is: Today is to be 92 degrees and PM thunderstorms, tomorrow is to be 88 degrees and mostly sunny, Saturday is to be 91 degrees and mostly sunny, Sunday is to be 83 degrees and scattered thunderstorms,  Monday is to be 84 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, Tuesday is to be 89 degrees and  partly cloudy, and Wednesday is to be 89 degrees and PM thunderstorms. That's the week! Lots of hot weather and four days of rain. Today, Sunday, Monday and Wednesday!

More Later...

I went up to Dollar General when it opened and bought some groceries. That included that potato chips Leslie asked me to bring to their hamburger fry this evening at 5:00PM or so for their 4th of July hamburger fry and the homemade ice cream she is going to make..Leslie makes great homemade ice cream!

I also bought another box of 10 wet cat food. They have gone through quite a few of these. Of course, I am feeding 5 cats at least once a day...sometimes twice! 

I watered the flowers in the yard and when I finished the three books I had checked out at the Caney Library, I took them up to the Book Drop and dropped them in.

More Later..


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wednesday and Bunco at the Senior Center

 I slept well last night thanks to the ceiling fans. I was up at 6:30AM, made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day. 

Stephen came over and told me he had ordered two air conditioner units and furnaces and they will be on Friday's truck. They will install them sometime next week. When hasn't been determined yet.

When I opened the front door this morning I had four cats and kittens waiting for their breakfasts. I took them out several bowls of both wet and dry cat food. Some are still eating while others finished eating and moved on. 

I did catch "the weather on the 8's" and here it is.  Today is supposed to be 88 degrees and cloudy, tomorrow is to be 90 degrees and partly cloudy, Friday is to be 87 degrees and mostly sunny, Saturday is to be 89 degrees and mostly sunny,   Sunday is to be 88 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. Monday is to be 85 degrees AM showers, and Tuesday is to be 90 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week..a couple of days of rain and some partly cloudy. 

Today I will go to Coffeyville for Bunco at 1:00PM. First I will have my hair done at 9:00AM.  I will take my book and read while I wait between my hairdo time and Bunco. And I will need to get a treat for Bunco.

More Later...

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tuesday and Apartment Cleaning

 I slept pretty well last night thanks to the ceiling fans. I did get up early in order to change my bed. That hasn't been done since Keith and Esther were here.

 The vacuum sweeper is charging now. And I opened the front door to find six cats waiting to be fed. I fixed several bowls of both dry and wet food and took it out to them. They have eaten now and are gone.

The air conditioner man came yesterday afternoon and checked out the air conditioner. It wasn't cooling and without the ceiling fans it would have been even more miserable.

 He called Stephen and said he had checked it out thoroughly and it was not worth fixing. Stephen is planning on buying two new for mine and another for their apartment next door. They were both installed at the same time when Mr. Bridenstein built these units for his two sons.   

I hate that Stephen is going to be out so much money. He's only had these units a couple of years at most.

Jackson came and mowed yesterday.  He did a fair job but he mowed too close to the air conditioner unit and there was a lot of grass in the AC unit and he did not trim either. Without being trimmed, it doesn't look neat. For $40, that needs to be a part of the job. I tried to trim with mine but it didn't turn out too well. It is very old.

I did catch "the weather on the 8's" this morning. It's pretty much the same as yesterday's. 

Today is to be 99 degrees and  sunny, Wednesday is to be 89 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Thursday is to be 92 degrees and PM thunderstorms, Thursday is to be 92 degrees and PM thunderstorms and Friday is to be 86 degrees and 86 degrees and partly cloudy. Saturday is to be 91 degrees and mostly sunny, Sunday is to be 90 degrees and mostly sunny and Monday is to be 87 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. That's the week! Not much different from yesterday's forecast.Three days of rain and a lot of hot weather..

Jackson was to come pick up his check since he had finished his job while I was at the library. I told him I would be home in thirty minutes. That was at 4:00PM. He still had not come when I was ready to take my bath last evening at 7:00PM. I reminded him I was waiting for him to come pick up his check. He finally came but it was after 7:00PM. And he never did trim. For $40 I expect a better job. Leslie is paying for his mowing.

More Later...

Monday, July 1, 2024

Monday and Lots of Cats

 I was up early as usual...about 5:30. I made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day.. When I opened the front door there were five cats of all sizes and sexes out there waiting for their breakfasts. I fixed four bowls and they shared.  Some are still eating.

Then I caught "the weather on the 8's". Here it is:

Today is to be 95 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be 99 degrees and sunny, Wednesday is to be 92 degrees and  isolated thunderstorms, Thursday is to be 91 degrees and isolated thunderstorms, Friday is to be 87 degrees and partly cloudy, Saturday is to be 91 degrees and mostly sunny, Sunday is to be 92 degrees and AM showers. That's the week! Three days of showers. The rest either partly cloudy or sunny.

More Later... 


Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday and Rain Too

 I was up early as usual. I made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day. When I finally opened the front door. I found cats of all ages and sizes waiting for their breakfasts. I took out several bowls of both dry cat food and wet cat food and they all ate hungrily.. One, at least, is still  eating. The others are evidently full and have gone to find a dry place to rest and digest their food.

I also caught "the  weather on the 8's " for the week. Today is to be 84 degrees and AM thunderstorms, tomorrow is to be 95 degrees and partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be 99 degrees and sunny, Wednesday is to be 91 degrees and AM thunderstorms,  Thursday is to be 93 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, Friday is to be 95 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Saturday is to be 90 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week. Four days of rain! Today, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I am ready for some sunshine so my yard can be mowed.

More Later... I made my coffeecake and later left for Coffeyville and the church. We had a few more people in attendance and the sermon was recorded. We enjoyed our coffeecake and Chai Latte.

I gave Karan some of the leftover coffeecake. Then afterwards she and Phyllis and I went to Eggbert's there in Coffeyville for lunch.

When I got home I tried to contact Cox Complete Care but they were not online. I did finally reach them and their tech gave me the website for Yahoo so I could contact them for a subscription for McAfee. I was unable to reach anyone there. It's Sunday. Maybe they won't be there on a Sunday.

I will try again tomorrow.

More tomorrow...