I slept well last night. I woke up once, took my meds and an Aleve for my aching right shoulder and a melatonin tablet. Then I got right back to sleep. Missy curled up next to me and I didn't wake up until after 5:00AM...a good night's sleep at last.
I have dressed, fed myself and Missy and got myself ready for the day. When it got light enough I took Missy out for awhile. It had been raining out there and was pretty cool but Missy was ready to come back in when she noticed everything was moist and chilly.
She is lying here where I usually keep my computer table.

I don't have a thing planned for today except to read. I am trying to plow myself through this "A Farewell to Arms"...Hemingway's most famous book. So far I am struggling with it. It drags at this point and I am on page 75. It had better pick up or I will not have much to say about it at the book discussion.
I have sporadic TV this morning. It tears from time to time but I have been able to get the gist of the CBS news when it works. Streaming to my computer has been just as sporadic lately. A couple of weeks ago, I contacted Cox to see what it would cost to get a better signal. They told me I would need a better modem and router and I told them to forget it. From then on the signal got worse. I hate to think they would slow it down to retaliate but when you are dealing with big business...anything is possible. Capitalism is greed driven.
More later...
I finished my book and went to get my bath early. Missy and I watched TV on Amazon Prime until 9:00PM when we both went to bed.
A rather dull day.