I slept well last night.The exercise of raking must have helped me sleep. Anyhow, I am up and dressed and having my breakfast here in the den. It is just now 5:22AM.
I will get to the dusting today. I have put it off for three days.
Hopefully Krystal will mow this afternoon. I hope it doesn't rain before she can get to it. There is rain in the forecast tomorrow. I want her to get the mowing done before that happens.
I haven't seen Scruff since Thursday and I am concerned something may have happened to her. Over the two years I have been feeding cats, several have been taken to farms to keep the mice and rats down in the barns. One of the former tenants next door took a couple to his dad's farm.The others have just disappeared.
I will go watch the weather forecast now and check a little later to see if either of the cats are out there.
So, back later...
Only Blondie was out there for breakfast this morning. I haven't seen Scruff since Thursday. I am concerned about her.
Right now it is 47 degrees and cloudy. And it's to be 58 degrees today and cloudy. It is forecast for 52 degrees tomorrow and rain. Monday is to be 64 degrees and sunny. Tuesday should be 68 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday 73 degrees and scattered thunderstorms and wind, Thursday is forecast as 78 degrees and mostly cloudy, and Friday 83 degrees partly cloudy and wind. Iffy at best!
Scruff didn't ever show up for her breakfast.
It is chilly today at 46 degrees. I hope it warms up today. It's supposed to get up to 59 according to the phone forecast. I hope it does.I sure would like Krystal to get the yard mowed.
I'd better get to dusting the apartment.
I got the dusting finished and everything shines now. The wind is blowing something fierce.
I sorted my cards and put them by category and put rubber band around each type. I am just puttering right now.I may go back to reading.
More even later...
I went back to the puzzle and have been working on it all morning. It's 10:00AM now and I am tired of it right now. I will get back to it later.
I never did see Scruff. I'll check again now.
No, she never came again.
I have been working on my latest puzzle again. I have sat so long I had to be careful when I got up. It's 1:16PM now and the sun is shining brightly. It's 55 degrees now so it has warmed up a lot.
I don't know when to expect Krystal. I know she works on Saturdays so it will be after she gets off work at the Bartlesville Post Office.
More even later.
I couldn't come up for anything for lunch so I just fixed a peanut and jelly sandwich for my lunch.
Krystal came about 3:15PM and mowed the yard. I trimmed while she mowed. She bagged the leaves and put them in the bag and then put the bag in the trash container for me.
Disgustingly enough, I can no longer lift it when it's full. The yard looks really neat now for another week..She would like to mow on Sundays if I don't care. Sunday would have been alright this week too except it is forecast for rain tomorrow. ...on Easter Sunday.
It's 4:25PM now and I guess I will read again. I finished the puzzle I was working on. That's the second one of those that Keith and Esther sent me.
More later...I just read a little bit and then I decided to start another puzzle.
I worked on that until bath time. Actually I didn't take my bath until 8:15PM..late for me. I got involved in the puzzle and lost track of the time.
I will get up at my usual time tomorrow morning and instead of eating my usual oatmeal, I will bake my coffee cake. That's what I am taking for the Easter breakfast.I hope to get there early enough to make coffee....for those of us that drink coffee.It's nearly my bedtime so I will finish this up and get ready.