I have been working over my checkbook this morning. Back in November, I forgot to record a cash withdrawal and it has taken me an hour to find that error. Now my checkbook balances with Quicken and the bank.
It's about time for Bob to pick me up for breakfast so I will continue this later.
We went to Sirloin Stockade for a change today. We usually go to Eggberts on Saturdays. The business all over town is down according to the waitress we have there. And it has been for awhile...too many fast food places for restaurants to be able to make it. Why pay $8.75 for breakfast when you can get one for one or two dollars at fast food. Of course, the size of Americans anymore shows their preference. That stuff is loaded with calories and fat and sugar. 30% of Americans are obese and diabetes is rampant here in America. Too many don't cook and eat at home anymore.
We won't eat again this afternoon. Later this evening I may have my last yogurt.
The weather is supposed to change this afternoon to snow. We are forecast for one or two inches. I am hoping it will be gone by Monday.
More later....
I went out to Walmart this afternoon and bought the last of my gifts. I have everything done now, I believe and am ready for Monday if the weather only holds. So far we have no snow but it is forecast for one to two inches. Marilyn R. and I will drive down to Tulsa on Monday and I will stay overnight at the Hilton. She will leave for Utah Monday evening. My plane leaves at 7:00 AM Tuesday morning. I will need the shuttle about 5:00 AM to get me to the airport. I hope they will get me there in plenty of time.
I baked my Christmas cookies for Leslie's party tomorrow. They are in my Tupperware square now. I left the lid off so they will be completely cool. Her cookie trading party is at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.
Bob just called. He went out to Walmart too this afternoon but he says it's bitterly cold. Well, it is, but I'm not going to worry about it. As long as we get no ice. I definitely do not like ice. I told him I would drive tomorrow morning if he wasn't up to it and would let him out at the front door. His car sits out with no shelter and mine sits under a carport. He says if it is bitter this evening ( and it will be, I'm sure) he will not come over this evening.
This was my family the day of Scott and Ginger's wedding!

Of course that is me in the flowered jacket. That is Leslie, Scott, Me and Keith. That wedding was held at John and Leslie's home in May in 2015.
More later...
It finally began snowing this evening and it looks like we have an inch already. We may have three inches by morning. We have called off church because our church is in the country and we might get stuck in the drive. Whether or not we go to Leslie's cookie exchange party depends on how bad the snow is in the morning.
I called the Coffeyville people and Leslie called the Independence people and Mike and Laura and Leeann who lives a couple of miles from the church.
I watched a DVD this evening...one of my favorites, It was "Camelot". I started to watch "A Christmas Carol" but just got too tired and am ready now to go to bed at 9:00.