I slept fairly well last night. I got up at 5:00, as usual. By 7:00 I picked Bob up for breakfast at Eggberts. I intended to go to Owasso but by the time I went to the church and decorated for the theme tomorrow and printed off the bulletins, and I went to Independence to get some powder base for my makeup and then to their Walmart to get a few groceries, it was too late. I got home and put away my groceries and by noon I was just too tired and still full from breakfast.
Bob and Joanne went to Bartlesville, I think. I had just been down there last Saturday (and so had they) so I did not want to go again today.
I am tired. I may just take a nap. I think that's where Missy went. ...in on my bed.
I checked my e mail and found a notification that if I did not update my e mail settings, within 24 hours, my e mail would not work. So I contacted the service program I have subscribed to and had the tech go to my e mail settings and change them to the new ones. Then I thought about the little laptop in the den. It is running XP for an operating system. It is so old it cannot be upgraded. I got hold of a tech on it and was told that that old operating system's e mail system could not handle the new settings. So on that one, I will have to use web mail for my e mail. Bummer! I will be so glad to get my desktop computer back.
I had Bob bring his laptop over to be checked and his was fine. I did update his Glary Utility. He doesn't know how to update his programs and updating keeps the security updated too.
Finally, after Bob left, I took my bath and watched TV with Missy until 9:00 when Missy and I went to bed.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Friday, January 26, 2018
Friday and Exercise Class
I slept well until 1:00 and then when I woke up and went to the bathroom, I could not get back to sleep. Finally I got up and took a dose of Zzzquil. That worked. I slept until 5:00 and woke up feeling groggy. That was probably because of the Zzzquil. I have drunk one cup of coffee and a cup of Chai Latte. Hopefully that will wake me up better before time to go to exercise class.
I don't have another plan for today.
I did go on to exercise class and afterward Bob and Joanne went to the Donut Palace for a long john. I came on home to find, edit and print off that bulletin for Sunday.
Later he came over to have me help him change his bank password. I got that done right away but called his bank to walk me through their process.
We ate the rest of the veggie beef soup. It was good. Monday I will make cornbread and beans for lunch. We will have plenty so we will invite Joanne, Bob's girlfriend. We will eat breakfast out in the morning. Then we may not eat again all day. If we do, we will try that skillet sausage casserole I bought at Country Mart yesterday.
More later...
I went out to Walmart for a new battery for my watch. I just bought one last fall. It turns out that the battery she took out of my watch was magnetized. That's what killed it. I will try once again to use this watch. If this battery dies in six months, I will have to buy a new watch. Something is magnetizing this watch's battery.
More even later...
I puttered around all afternoon and by 8:00 I was very tired. I took my bath and Missy and I went to bed. I tried to watch a movie but just couldn't get into it.
I don't have another plan for today.
I did go on to exercise class and afterward Bob and Joanne went to the Donut Palace for a long john. I came on home to find, edit and print off that bulletin for Sunday.
Later he came over to have me help him change his bank password. I got that done right away but called his bank to walk me through their process.
We ate the rest of the veggie beef soup. It was good. Monday I will make cornbread and beans for lunch. We will have plenty so we will invite Joanne, Bob's girlfriend. We will eat breakfast out in the morning. Then we may not eat again all day. If we do, we will try that skillet sausage casserole I bought at Country Mart yesterday.
More later...
I went out to Walmart for a new battery for my watch. I just bought one last fall. It turns out that the battery she took out of my watch was magnetized. That's what killed it. I will try once again to use this watch. If this battery dies in six months, I will have to buy a new watch. Something is magnetizing this watch's battery.
More even later...
I puttered around all afternoon and by 8:00 I was very tired. I took my bath and Missy and I went to bed. I tried to watch a movie but just couldn't get into it.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Thursday and Housekeeping Day
I slept really well last night...in fact I didn't wake up in the night at all. I got up at 4:00 and went to the bathroom and laid back down for awhile. I had my sleep out though so I just got up near 5:00.
My notebook wanted to update so I gave it the chance .I was afraid the update might crash my notebook but they said it was a security update. It took an hour. What a mess! It didn't crash the notebook though. The last update crashed my desktop computer. The one before that crashed the Dell laptop. This one seems to have made it alright.
I have washed the bathroom and kitchen floors and will vacuum later. I just vacuumed last Saturday. I may get to it later today but it's still looking pretty good.
More later...
I went to Country Mart and bought some meat for lunches for the next week. I got some ham for ham and beans and pork cutlets for a meal too and also got a skillet supper. ...just for something for a change.
Bob and I are going to eat out at the new Mexican restaurant today at noon. He will be by at 11:30.
More later....
That was a good lunch although way too much food. Bob bought my lunch.
He just came in to do a small load of laundry. I will spray starch and iron his jeans when he gets them dry. Missy is still sleeping in on my bed. When she hears Bob is here, she will wake up and come in. She likes him.
More later...
I got his jeans ironed. Later we watched the news and after the local news, he left for Joanne's home.
I took my bath and got ready for bed. I watched Law and Order on Fox News. I can only get that channel after dark and under some circumstances. My Bob and I always watched Law and Order when he was alive. I believe the series has been cancelled for several years.
Missy and I went to bed at 9:00.
My notebook wanted to update so I gave it the chance .I was afraid the update might crash my notebook but they said it was a security update. It took an hour. What a mess! It didn't crash the notebook though. The last update crashed my desktop computer. The one before that crashed the Dell laptop. This one seems to have made it alright.
I have washed the bathroom and kitchen floors and will vacuum later. I just vacuumed last Saturday. I may get to it later today but it's still looking pretty good.
More later...
I went to Country Mart and bought some meat for lunches for the next week. I got some ham for ham and beans and pork cutlets for a meal too and also got a skillet supper. ...just for something for a change.
Bob and I are going to eat out at the new Mexican restaurant today at noon. He will be by at 11:30.
More later....
That was a good lunch although way too much food. Bob bought my lunch.
He just came in to do a small load of laundry. I will spray starch and iron his jeans when he gets them dry. Missy is still sleeping in on my bed. When she hears Bob is here, she will wake up and come in. She likes him.
More later...
I got his jeans ironed. Later we watched the news and after the local news, he left for Joanne's home.
I took my bath and got ready for bed. I watched Law and Order on Fox News. I can only get that channel after dark and under some circumstances. My Bob and I always watched Law and Order when he was alive. I believe the series has been cancelled for several years.
Missy and I went to bed at 9:00.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Wednesday and Exercises and Game Day
I slept fitfully last night. I awoke at 3:00 and never really got back to sleep. I got up at 4:00. Bob will pick me up for exercise classes again this morning ...unless Gay wants me to come up to Chanute for lunch. In the afternoon, at 1:00, if I am still here, I will go to game day. It has been awhile since the snow and terribly cold weather, that I've been to the games at the senior center. I have missed it.
I will fix soup today but I will have to go to Country Mart when they open and buy beef broth. I have tomato sauce and the veggies for soup. I will buy a couple of cans of beef broth and treats of some kind for the game day. I have meat, cheese and crackers for the soup. This is good soup weather.
More later...
I did go to exercise class but Gay called and wanted me to come up to Chanute to go to lunch with her. I suggested to Bob that he and Joanne eat some of that soup I fixed. I guess they did. Some of it was gone and the pot was in the frig and it looked like some of it was gone. I put it in Corning Ware and washed the pot.
I had a nice visit with Gay and Adele. Gay was 40 minutes late but she had sudden company and that explained it. She was to meet Tony's daughter at 1:00 so I came back home after that and got here about 2:00 or so. Missy is sleeping on the bed. I was hoping I had my electric bill in the mail but it was not here. I only got the Coffeyville Journal.
I missed game day. I had intended to go but Gay needed me worse so I went to Chanute instead.
More later...
Bob didn't come over this evening. He probably went to Joanne's.
I took my bath and got ready for bed and then I lay down with Missy to watch TV. At 8:00 I was just too tired to continue so Missy and I went to bed.
I will fix soup today but I will have to go to Country Mart when they open and buy beef broth. I have tomato sauce and the veggies for soup. I will buy a couple of cans of beef broth and treats of some kind for the game day. I have meat, cheese and crackers for the soup. This is good soup weather.
More later...
I did go to exercise class but Gay called and wanted me to come up to Chanute to go to lunch with her. I suggested to Bob that he and Joanne eat some of that soup I fixed. I guess they did. Some of it was gone and the pot was in the frig and it looked like some of it was gone. I put it in Corning Ware and washed the pot.
I had a nice visit with Gay and Adele. Gay was 40 minutes late but she had sudden company and that explained it. She was to meet Tony's daughter at 1:00 so I came back home after that and got here about 2:00 or so. Missy is sleeping on the bed. I was hoping I had my electric bill in the mail but it was not here. I only got the Coffeyville Journal.
I missed game day. I had intended to go but Gay needed me worse so I went to Chanute instead.
More later...
Bob didn't come over this evening. He probably went to Joanne's.
I took my bath and got ready for bed and then I lay down with Missy to watch TV. At 8:00 I was just too tired to continue so Missy and I went to bed.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Tuesday and Hair Day, Cakes and Juanita's Checkbook
I slept well last night. I don't know what changed. I awoke at 1:00 and got up and took my thyroid med then went back to bed. I wasn't sure that I could get back to sleep but when I next asked Alexa the time, she said it was 4:57. I had slept the rest of the night. I feel good today. In about an hour I will load up the cakes in the trunk of my car. Then I will leave for Independence at 8:20.
Alaskans are evacuating like mad for higher ground to try to avoid the tsunami they have forecast. A 7.9 earthquake happened off the coast of Alaska last night.
Juanita called me while I was at the Red Cross blood drive last night. She got her bank statement and wants me to come by after I leave the beauty shop to balance her checkbook. If Bob goes with me, he will visit his sister, Betty, while I do that.
More later...
On the 17th of this month, the First Presidency of our church issured this statement:
January 17, 2018
To our sisters and brothers in the Africa Field, Haiti, and El Salvador:
We greet you in the name of Christ and in the peace that Christ seeks for all human life.
Recently, the US president allegedly made derogatory comments about people from Africa, Haiti, and El Salvador. The reported comments are hurtful to many people around the world and in the church.
We are deeply sorry and distressed by any statement that devalues another human life and creates division. We also are greatly concerned about any attitude that implies that some lives are of less value than others because of one’s nation of origin. This simply is not true.
As a worldwide faith community formed by the gospel of Christ and our Enduring Principles, we are saddened by the continued racism and injustice in the world. It is not God’s will when humans are diminished based on where people live, the color of their skin, or by other categories used to divide and devalue. Our Enduring Principles in Community of Christ speak clearly of the Worth of All Persons. And we proclaim the Sacredness of Creation, which includes each human life as created by God, who then said “it was very good” (Genesis 1:31 NRSV).
As Community of Christ we uphold the principle of Unity in Diversity. We stand in solidarity with you as members of the church and citizens of the world. We offer our voices and our lives to speak against acts of hatred expressed in racial, gender, and religious injustice that demean human life. Jesus tore down dividing walls (Ephesians 2:14), and God has called the church to uphold the welfare of all human life (Doctrine and Covenants 163:4).
We join all of you as we pray for peace and the end of racism in our world. We pray all world leaders will encounter the peace of Christ that makes all things new. And we hold all of you in prayer as we live with hope and determination to make God’s peaceable reign—Zion—reality throughout the world.
In the spirit of peace and love,
The First Presidency
Perhaps other worldwide churches will also issue such statements.
More later...
I got Juanita's checkbook balanced and visited with her briefly. Then I picked up Bob and we went to Great China for lunch. When I took him home, I took my car to the car wash and washed it and even dried it. It looks a lot better.
Now I will probably lie down with Missy and take a nap.
So more later...
Marilyn called me with a problem with her e-mail. I went over to her apartment and tried to help her but the instructions in her letter were too vague for either of us so we called Cox for help. The woman that tried to help us went too fast with her instructions and also had a very heavy accent and we only got one part of the e-mail programmed fixed before we were lost. I brought her and her computer over to my apartment and contacted my service from Cox and Rick helped us get it fixed. She also had me make the Cox site with the news her home page.
While she was here Bob came to watch the news but we were distracting to him and he read the paper instead. Then he left.
After she left I took my bath and Missy and I watched Karan's video called "The Case for God". It was interesting.
At 10:15, we went to bed.
Alaskans are evacuating like mad for higher ground to try to avoid the tsunami they have forecast. A 7.9 earthquake happened off the coast of Alaska last night.
Juanita called me while I was at the Red Cross blood drive last night. She got her bank statement and wants me to come by after I leave the beauty shop to balance her checkbook. If Bob goes with me, he will visit his sister, Betty, while I do that.
More later...
On the 17th of this month, the First Presidency of our church issured this statement:
January 17, 2018
To our sisters and brothers in the Africa Field, Haiti, and El Salvador:
We greet you in the name of Christ and in the peace that Christ seeks for all human life.
Recently, the US president allegedly made derogatory comments about people from Africa, Haiti, and El Salvador. The reported comments are hurtful to many people around the world and in the church.
We are deeply sorry and distressed by any statement that devalues another human life and creates division. We also are greatly concerned about any attitude that implies that some lives are of less value than others because of one’s nation of origin. This simply is not true.
As a worldwide faith community formed by the gospel of Christ and our Enduring Principles, we are saddened by the continued racism and injustice in the world. It is not God’s will when humans are diminished based on where people live, the color of their skin, or by other categories used to divide and devalue. Our Enduring Principles in Community of Christ speak clearly of the Worth of All Persons. And we proclaim the Sacredness of Creation, which includes each human life as created by God, who then said “it was very good” (Genesis 1:31 NRSV).
As Community of Christ we uphold the principle of Unity in Diversity. We stand in solidarity with you as members of the church and citizens of the world. We offer our voices and our lives to speak against acts of hatred expressed in racial, gender, and religious injustice that demean human life. Jesus tore down dividing walls (Ephesians 2:14), and God has called the church to uphold the welfare of all human life (Doctrine and Covenants 163:4).
We join all of you as we pray for peace and the end of racism in our world. We pray all world leaders will encounter the peace of Christ that makes all things new. And we hold all of you in prayer as we live with hope and determination to make God’s peaceable reign—Zion—reality throughout the world.
In the spirit of peace and love,
The First Presidency
Perhaps other worldwide churches will also issue such statements.
More later...
I got Juanita's checkbook balanced and visited with her briefly. Then I picked up Bob and we went to Great China for lunch. When I took him home, I took my car to the car wash and washed it and even dried it. It looks a lot better.
Now I will probably lie down with Missy and take a nap.
So more later...
Marilyn called me with a problem with her e-mail. I went over to her apartment and tried to help her but the instructions in her letter were too vague for either of us so we called Cox for help. The woman that tried to help us went too fast with her instructions and also had a very heavy accent and we only got one part of the e-mail programmed fixed before we were lost. I brought her and her computer over to my apartment and contacted my service from Cox and Rick helped us get it fixed. She also had me make the Cox site with the news her home page.
While she was here Bob came to watch the news but we were distracting to him and he read the paper instead. Then he left.
After she left I took my bath and Missy and I watched Karan's video called "The Case for God". It was interesting.
At 10:15, we went to bed.
Monday, January 22, 2018
Monday and No Exercises
I slept pretty well last night. Missy slept right up against me and when I tried to get up in the night to go take my thyroid med, she was not happy to be disturbed. It took her awhile to decide it was o.k. to get back up on the bed and snuggle back up against me. I got up at 5:30...pretty much as usual.
I have fed her and myself. I do need to check her water level. She drinks a lot of water.
I am torn whether to go to exercise class or not. I never did get the apartment vacuumed last week, but I guess missing one time will not be a disaster. After all it's just Missy and me living here.
I fixed my Parmesan chicken yesterday afternoon. We will have it with boiled potatoes and green beans today at lunch. I had thawed that chicken and needed to cook it. I will warm it up in the microwave. I have fruit and cookies for dessert. Bob will bring a salad.
More later....
I've decided not to go to exercise class. I have been achy all night and am just not up to the effort. I will run the vacuum and also take an Aleve for the aches. That works for me. Tylenol does not work for me.
More later...
I fixed lunch and Bob came over and ate and then I laid down with Missy and took a nap. At 2:45 I left for The First Baptist Church where the blood drive is being held. I will work until 6:00 or after as an escort.
I got home shortly after 7:00. They were very busy and certainly made their goal of 52 pints. The goal tomorrow is 32. They only hold it a half day tomorrow.
I will go to Independence with the cakes tomorrow to deliver them to the First Christian Church there. Bob may go too to visit his sister, Betty. After I am finished at the beauty shop I will go over to Juanita's and balance her check book. Then I will pick up Bob and we will go out to Great China for lunch.
I have had my bath and put my PJs on and am ready for bed. I am very tired tonight and hope I will sleep well tonight. It's nearly 8:30 and I believe I will go on to bed.
I have fed her and myself. I do need to check her water level. She drinks a lot of water.
I am torn whether to go to exercise class or not. I never did get the apartment vacuumed last week, but I guess missing one time will not be a disaster. After all it's just Missy and me living here.
I fixed my Parmesan chicken yesterday afternoon. We will have it with boiled potatoes and green beans today at lunch. I had thawed that chicken and needed to cook it. I will warm it up in the microwave. I have fruit and cookies for dessert. Bob will bring a salad.
More later....
I've decided not to go to exercise class. I have been achy all night and am just not up to the effort. I will run the vacuum and also take an Aleve for the aches. That works for me. Tylenol does not work for me.
More later...
I fixed lunch and Bob came over and ate and then I laid down with Missy and took a nap. At 2:45 I left for The First Baptist Church where the blood drive is being held. I will work until 6:00 or after as an escort.
I got home shortly after 7:00. They were very busy and certainly made their goal of 52 pints. The goal tomorrow is 32. They only hold it a half day tomorrow.
I will go to Independence with the cakes tomorrow to deliver them to the First Christian Church there. Bob may go too to visit his sister, Betty. After I am finished at the beauty shop I will go over to Juanita's and balance her check book. Then I will pick up Bob and we will go out to Great China for lunch.
I have had my bath and put my PJs on and am ready for bed. I am very tired tonight and hope I will sleep well tonight. It's nearly 8:30 and I believe I will go on to bed.
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Sunday and Church
I slept well last night but still got up about 4:00 or shortly after.
I dressed and made the bed and got ready for church. Then I fed Missy and myself and sat down to work on this blog. It's only 5:20 now so I doubt the newspaper is out there. I do notice Missy used her litter box after she had her breakfast. Again, she didn't miss it. :)
Bob will be taking his banana nut bread this morning to church so he will plan to drive and call Phyllis at 8:00 to tell her he will pick her up after he picks me up. Joanne attends the Assembly of God church.
That was a very good movie last night and very true to the history. I remember when all that happened.
What do you know! The paper was out there! It has been raining so they had wrapped it. I took Russell's over and put it on their mailbox.
More later... I will read the newspaper now.

I couldn't agree more! It didn't work during the Reagan administration and it won't work now.
Bob will be by in forty minutes so I had better get around now.
Bob picked me up and then we went by to pick up Phyllis. When we got to church, Bob made his coffee and I cut his banana nut bread. Most of the first loaf was soon gone. So he cut into the second one. He will take the remaining to Joanne.
The Church school class is going over some of the articles in the Herald. We need to be aware of what the church is doing.
After church school, people began coming. We had a pretty good group again this Sunday.
After church, we went over to "Just Us" for lunch and John and Sue went with us. Then when we came home I did my letters and got them out on the mailbox for the mailman to pick up tomorrow.
Now it is nearly 4:00. Missy is up on the sofa waiting for 4:45 so she can have her treats. I had better go to the market. I need some Italian style tomatoes. So more later...
I dressed and made the bed and got ready for church. Then I fed Missy and myself and sat down to work on this blog. It's only 5:20 now so I doubt the newspaper is out there. I do notice Missy used her litter box after she had her breakfast. Again, she didn't miss it. :)
Bob will be taking his banana nut bread this morning to church so he will plan to drive and call Phyllis at 8:00 to tell her he will pick her up after he picks me up. Joanne attends the Assembly of God church.
That was a very good movie last night and very true to the history. I remember when all that happened.
What do you know! The paper was out there! It has been raining so they had wrapped it. I took Russell's over and put it on their mailbox.
More later... I will read the newspaper now.

I couldn't agree more! It didn't work during the Reagan administration and it won't work now.
Bob will be by in forty minutes so I had better get around now.
Bob picked me up and then we went by to pick up Phyllis. When we got to church, Bob made his coffee and I cut his banana nut bread. Most of the first loaf was soon gone. So he cut into the second one. He will take the remaining to Joanne.
The Church school class is going over some of the articles in the Herald. We need to be aware of what the church is doing.
After church school, people began coming. We had a pretty good group again this Sunday.
After church, we went over to "Just Us" for lunch and John and Sue went with us. Then when we came home I did my letters and got them out on the mailbox for the mailman to pick up tomorrow.
Now it is nearly 4:00. Missy is up on the sofa waiting for 4:45 so she can have her treats. I had better go to the market. I need some Italian style tomatoes. So more later...
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