Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday and Baking a Coffeecake for the Church Breakfast Tomorrow

 I was up at 4:30AM this morning, dressed,. made my bed and got myself ready for the day. I am baking the coffeecake for the church breakfast tomorrow. It's almost time for it to come out of the oven. I had better go test it now.

Another ten minutes I think. Not quite done yet. Maybe 7:15AM. I will watch it closely though. I set the wire rack out for it to cool on but it's still not quite done baking.

More Later....  

It's 7:12AM  and just perfect now. I took it out of the oven and set it on the wire rack to cool. I will put a glaze on it after it cools and cover it with Saran. 

More Even Later. I just washed the bowl and spoon. And I caught the weather forecast too.

Today is to be 81 degrees and partly cloudy,  Tomorrow is to be 82 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 85 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 88 degrees and sunny, Wednesday is to be 91 degrees and  sunny, Thursday is to be 89 degrees and mostly sunny, Friday is to be 90 degrees and mostly sunny. Lots of sunshine but no rain. And we really need rain! That's the week! Four days of sunny and one of partly cloudy  and  two of Mostly sunny!  And we really need rain!

We don't see any in sight either! 

I called John, my son-in-law, and asked him to meet me at his home if he wanted to go to supper at Uncle Jack's in Independence. He was doing the tractor pull he likes to do. He wasn't sure when he would be home but he told me he would go with me if he got home in good time. And he did. I let him drive since I thought he would be more comfortable driving my car then me driving . We went to Uncle Jack's and had a good supper. Then he took me out in the pasture at his home and showed me his 13 calves. That was neat! Then I drove home. When I got home, I took out my one contact and took my bath.

Then I turned on the TV to watch some programing before I went to bed. And I checked out my Blog.

More Later...

Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday and my niese, Denise, passed away.Wednesday last week.

I woke up very early this morning at sometime about three o'clock. made my bed, dressed and put my right contact in and made up my face and got myself ready for the day. I am not sure what I will do today besides go eat breakfast at Eggbert's here in Caney later this morning. I may do some cleaning. It has been a week. I know I will have several cats to feed. They are always hungry. I keep Dollar General solvent buying cat food and breakfast bars. It's 4:42 AM now.

I talked to my niece, Diana, last evening about asking Deanna, Denise's younger daughter, about asking , Deanna, if Denise would have wanted a religious service. at our church. I visited her every couple of weeks. Deanna said Denise did not want one and neither did her kids. So even though she has been on the prayer list at church for several months, she has never been religious and never attended church and did not want a religious service. So, of course, we won't have one. I do think there should be an obituary though but I don't think she wanted that either and neither do her kids..Strange...

Denise had her husband, Terry, cremated when he died and she will be cremated too. Maybe Deanna will get an urn for her ashes. Who knows. Denise left her the trailer so she could live there.

More Later.. 

I caught "the  weather on the 8's" this morning and here it is:

Friday (today) is to be 87 degrees and mostly sunny, Saturday is to be 80 degrees and sunny. Sunday is to be 82 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 85 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 87 degrees and sunny, 

Wednesday is to be 91 degrees and mostly sunny, and Thursday is to be 88 degrees and partly cloudy That's the week! A lot of sun and one day of partly cloudy

More Later after I check out the cats.... I fed five cats and ran out of wet food. But  went up to the Dairy Queen in Independence for lunch

Then I came back home and read awhile. I have a library book called 

Mash Mania. It's about the television show called that after the TV show about a medial unit during the Korean war. It is a good show about a important part of our war history Alan Alda is a real person who now has a surgical practice in Maine with some of his fellow surgeons from that era.

They have been running reruns about that show in  the "Me" programs in the 675 part of the dial 

They run three of four of those reruns every evening 

Perhaps mote Later...

I did get my new contacts today

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday and a Trip to Independence's First Christian Church

 I was up early as usual this morning, dressed, and put my right contact in and got myself dressed and ready for the day. This morning I will take cookies up to Independence to that church. I will buy them at the grocery store across the street from the church.Billie Jo gave me money for hers at church Sunday. Karan gave me hers at the senior center yesterday. I bought some of mine at WalMart at Coffeyville yesterday. They are beginning to serve their lunches again at that church and I will drive up there to deliver them at 9:00AM this morning.  I will leave here at 8:00AM or so.

Afterword  I may go to the Dairy Queen for lunch if's time for them to be open. If not, I will just come on back home.

I ended up just coming back home and had breakfast at Eggbert's in Caney.

Then later I went to Copan Restaurant and had lunch pie.

More Later...I haven't checked on the cats yet. They ate constantly yesterday. Most of the time there were three or four of them. It's only 5:26AM now so I have plenty of time.

There were four cats out there waiting for their breakfasts so I took four bowls out to them. Blondie is still wanting more. I will wait and see how he does.

In the meantime, I saw "the weather on the 8's"and here it is.

Today is to be 93 degrees and sunny, Tomorrow is to be 87 degrees and partly cloudy, Saturday is to be 80 degrees and sunny, Sunday is to be 83 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 86 degrees and sunny, and Tuesday is to be 88 degrees and sunny.Wednesday is to be 90 degrees and mostly sunny. That's the week...mostly sunny. One day of partly cloudy. The rest is sunny.

It's 6:31AM now.

More Later

I went up to Independence and bought more cookies at G & W Foods and took them across the street to the First Christian Church and one of the men working there came and took the cookies out of the car. 

A strange thing happened while I was getting ready to drive across the  street to the church. I tried to put the key in the car ignition and it would not let it go into the place where the key fits. So I couldn't even start the car. Finally I got out of the car and looked around at what could be wrong. Then I noticed that one of the back doors on the driver's side was slightly cracked. I opened that door and slammed it shut then I got back in the car and the key went right in and the car started. 

I believe that was the only time that has happened.

Now I believe I will go to Copan Restaurant for lunch. I had breakfast at Eggbert's here in Caney.

And that is what I did. I always like the lunch at Copan Restaurant

Later I went over to Coffeyville to the bank and withdrew $40.00 for the week. I had spent my money for my cookies on my cookies for the church.

More Later...


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wednesday and Still Bunco at the Senior Center.

It's 12:37AM and I am up and around. I woke the computer up and am going to dress and get myself ready for the day. I turned on the computer to this blog and am getting ready to begin to blog after I am dressed and ready for the day.

I will also need to buy some more batteries for my flashlight after the Dollar General store opens at 8:00 AM. I can get the batteries after I get home this afternoon. I only had one battery to put in the light this morning. It takes two to have a good strong light. After that I will need to start for Coffeyville and my hair appointment at 9:00AM.So I will leave at 8:00AM.

I did a load of laundry this morning and it is in the dryer now.

I am almost ready for the day and will check on the cats soon.. Later this morning I will need to feed them. They are always hungry.

It's 5:44AM now and I am having my breakfast bar and Chai Latte. It's my usual early morning breakfast.

More Later.. 

I did check on the cats and only Blue was out there but I set out four bowls. I figure the others will see him eating and come check it out.  I did check out "the weather on the 8's"

Today is to be 89 degrees and sunny, Thursday will be 92 degrees sunny, Friday is to be 86 degrees and partly cloudy. Saturday is to be 81 degrees and sunny. Sunday is to be  84 degrees and sunny,   Monday is to be 89 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is to be 89 degrees and sunny. Lots of sunny days an no sign of any rain.

More Even Later The dryer has stopped so I will go fold everything out and put it all away.

More Even Later.. I got the laundry put away and there are two cats out there now. Grey and Blackie are still eating.

It's 6:47 now so an hour and a half or so before I leave for my hair appointment in Coffeyville. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Wednesday and Bunco at the Senior Center

Today I will get my hair done at 9:00AM in Coffeyville. Later at 1:00PM we will play Bunco until 3:00PM or 3:30 PM. I always enjoy that. But first I will need to contact Cox at Cox Complete Care and try to get my computer fixed again..  The passwords are mixed up and I no longer have an organized list of them.They wanted them changed too often and I could not keep track of them.

More Later...

Leslie and I went to Bartlesville this morning and had pedicures. She paid for both of ours. Then we went for lunch before heading back home. I paid for both our lunches. And they were very good.

We each got a to/go box and took half our lunches home. I will probably have mine tomorrow. 

I tried to reach Cox Complete Care but they are still having issues with the site. They asked me to try again later in the week.

I may not do that at this time. That's the third time they have told me that.

More maybe tomorrow....


Tuesday and Another Try with Margie's Musings.

I woke up in the middle of the night noticing the computer was still lighted up. Usually after resting it turns it's self off until I wake it up by hitting "enter" a couple of times in the morning. For some reason that didn't happen last night. I will have to contact Cox Complete Care again today to get it working correctly. What a mess it still is. I need to get a new list of passwords. Something that  works,

More Later.. 

Leslie called me this morning to ask me to go with her to get a pedicure  in Bartlesville this morning. I am happy to do that. 

I caught two cats waiting for their breakfasts this morning. It was Blue and the small black kitten that looks like a small edition of him.  I fixed them both a bowl of dry and wet cat food. They immediately dug into it!

I also caught "the weather on the 8's" So here it is.

Today is to be 84 degrees and cloudy , tomorrow is to be 88 degrees and sunny. Thursday is to be 91 degrees and sunny, Friday is to be 86 degrees and mostly sunny, Saturday is to be 81 degrees and sunny, Sunday is to be 83 degrees and sunny, Monday is to be 86 degrees and sunny. That's the week. No rain but lots of sun and hot weather.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Monday and Feeding Cats

 I was up this morning very early as usual.I made myself ready for the day. My main problem is I do not know my sign in passwords.  I opened  the front  door to  three  cats waiting to eat. so I fixed them bowls of both  wet and  dry cat food.

I did catch "the weather on the 8's" and here it is.Today is to be 83 degrees and partly ;cloudy. Tomorrow is to be 83 degrees and and am cloudy and Pm sun. Wednesday is to be 87 degrees and sunny, Thursday is to be 89 degrees and sunny, Friday is to be  87 degrees and mostly sunny, Saturday is to be 84 degrees and sunny , Sunday is to be 85 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week!

More Later...

I did go to Cox Complete Care and an employee name "Hope" fixed the Blog. It is working fine now. Thank goodness! She was a miracle worker

More later or More Tomorrow!!


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday and Church

I was up before 4:00AM and made up my face, put my contact in my right eye and dressed after making my bed I haven't checked out the cats yet. It's too early. And I can1find the password to this blog I have been through

More Later....

I did catch :the "weather on the 8's

and here it is

Today is to be 93 degrees  and sunny, tomorrow is to be 85 degrees and  partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be  82 degrees and cloudy, Wednesday is to be 86 degrees and partly cloudy, Thursday is to be 88 degrees  and mostly sunny,  Friday is to be 85 degrees and mostly sunny.That's the week and no ran

I have been through the list

More even later...Now I will check on the cats.

More even later...