Saturday, March 12, 2022

Saturday and Turn the Clocks Forward

I slept pretty well outside of waking up at 4:00AM and not being able to get back to sleep. I finally just got up and made the bed and dressed. I am having my breakfast now. It's just 5:25AM now. I don't have any particular plan for the day but before I go to bed tonight I will have to turn the clocks forward an hour. I don't know how I will handle the watches. I have no idea how to adjust them for daylight savings time. I will need to go to Bartlesville and find a jeweler on Monday. The one who has been doing that for me has retired and closed his jewelry stores in both Independence and Coffeyville. I guess I could wait until I go down there on Tuesday when I go to see Nancy. My old watch needs a battery or I could use it temporarily. I guess I'll use my phone until I can get the watches changed by someone who knows how to do that. It's a mystery to me.

In a little  while, I will go check out the weather and see if the cats are out there for their breakfast. 

More later...

Both cats were out there at 5:40AM. They are usually not there until 6:30AM. They ate and Blondie left first. I assume his owner fed him. But Scruff looks more and more like she's pregnant. And she eats hungrily and really makes a dent in that food.

I also was there just in time for the weather forecast. Today is supposed to be 47 degrees and sunny, Sunday is supposed to be 66 degrees and sunny, Monday is supposed to be 60 degrees and cloudy, Tuesday 63 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday 73 degrees and mostly sunny, Thursday 72 degrees and mostly cloudy and Friday 55 degrees and AM showers. That's next week according to the weather channel.

It's 8:42AM now and I think later I will go to the market and buy a couple of frozen meals. I've had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich a couple of evenings for my supper and frozen chicken pot pies a couple of times for my lunch. Actually I really would like one of Copan Restaurant's small chef salads for my lunch today. That's some time off though. I will read until lunch time and then think about it again.

 More even later...

I did go down to the Copan Restaurant for my small chef salad lunch. Then since I was that close, I went on down to Bartlesville and bought my gas at Wal Mart there at $3.74 per gallon. Then I went on down to Mr. Clean and got my car washed and vacuumed out. It's nice and clean now. I like to get a car wash every week and vacuum it out too. A great wash and vacuum there at Mr. Clean just south of the mall is as nice as it gets for $6.00. 

Then I came back home and will read again. 

The snow is melting fast. Except for where the fence makes shade, the backyard is without snow now. All the roads are completely clear. That didn't last long..thank goodness. 

I have to admit, I went over to Mr. G's and bought a small butter pecan flurry for my dessert. They are so good! 

More later. I will go back to my book.

I read until 7:00PM and then I took my bath. I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM or so.

I may read some more before I go to bed.


Friday, March 11, 2022

Friday and Dusting and Polishing

I slept pretty well last night. I woke up once in the night but managed to get right back to sleep. I got up at 5:00AM and made my bed and got myself ready for the day. I will dust and polish furniture today.  It's 5:44AM today and I haven't looked out yet to see if it snowed as it was forecast. It;s still dark out. 

I just looked out back and yes, it did. I will definitely stay home today and read.

I am eating my breakfast now. But in 35 minutes I will check to see if any of the cats braved the elements. I doubt if they did.

I also want to check the weather forecast.

So more later... 

Both cats came for breakfast and it is cold out there.They ate fast and left so I put the food back in the garage and covered it.

I also got the weather forecast. Today's forecast is 38 degrees and snow. Saturday's is 47 degrees and sunny, Sunday's is 65 degrees and sunny, Monday's is 59 degrees and cloudy, Tuesday's forecast is 66 degrees and partly cloudy,  Wednesday's is 72 degrees and mostly sunny and Thursday's is 72 degrees and mostly cloudy.

That takes care of most of next week.

More later...

I got my sidewalk and driveway cleared this morning.

May be an image of snow and tree 

There's the sidewalk.

 May be an image of road 

And there's the driveway. It was good exercise and it's not snowing now.

I will go back to my book now. 

The sun is shining brightly now.

I had to put the Kindle on the charger again so I came in here to blog a little. It was a nice sunny day so I took my snow shovel out again and cleaned the sidewalk and driveway for my landlord and his wife. They have been very good to me and it was very good exercise for me. 

It's 1:55 PM now and I just finished my dusting and furniture polishing too. I had one of my microwave Schwan's chicken pot pies for my lunch today. I don't buy a lot from them...they are too expensive. But those chicken pot pies are pretty good so I sometimes splurge and buy a box of them.

Lacey, from my Shelter Insurance, just called me. The insurance company of the other woman involved in our wreck last month is going to sue my insurance company to get my insurance to pay for her damage. Lacey is counter sueing them for my damage. Both companies are doing an investigation to determine who was at fault.  I was completely out of the parking lot and into the road when she came across two lanes of traffic and if I hadn't slammed on my brakes it would have been a lot worse. She had a dented door and I had the damage to my driver's side front bumper. My damage wasn't bad enough to break my headlight or my blinker or to even rub against my tire.  It was completely derivable. 

More even later... 

I read until 5:30PM when I watched the CBS evening news. It's 6:12PM now and I will take my bath at 7:00PM and hopefully read until bedtime. I have my Kindle on the charger again.

I had a call from Scott this evening. Ginger got the replacement Runmifit that she had given me for my birthday at Thanksgiving. It broke when I tried to get the charger out of the watch case. Scott is sending the replacement to me today. It will probably be a week before I get it. He called to get my address. It gives me the time, my blood pressure and the number of steps I take each day, and my heart rate and several other measurements. In order to take it apart to charge it, the instructions say to pull the watchband down at a 45 degree angle and tug and that's what I did, but eventually it broke off the metal pieces that go into the USB port on my computer to charge it. I hope that won't happen again. I only had it about two or three months when that happened.

More even later... And yes, I did get the dusting and polishing done this afternoon.

Scruffy came for supper this evening. She is eating now. It's 6:34PM, her regular supper time. After she finished eating, I took her bowl in the garage and covered it as usual

It's nearly 7:00PM and I will go take my bath now and will read and plan to go to bed at 9:00PM. 

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Thursday and Mopping and Vacuuming

I slept well last night and was only up once in the night and then was able to get right back to sleep. I was up at 5:00AM as usual. I made my bed and got myself dressed and ready for the day. I plan to vacuum today and I will mop the bare floors . Other then that, I don't have a plan for the day.

I like all the new light fixtures my landlord, Stephen, installed yesterday evening. It sure brightened up the apartment, especially the den. It has always been too dark with only one light bulb working in the light fixture. That den room was once a covered patio when Bridenstein's boys lived here. He enclosed it for a second bedroom. ...both sides of the duplex. Stephen and Dee Anna painted the paneling on their side and he offered to paint mine too but I think it would be a major problem to move the TV and it's stand away from the wall and I would have to empty the curio cabinet again to move the curio cabinet away from the wall and the dining room table out of the dining room. It just sounds like way too much work to me.

My allergies are going crazy and it's not even Spring yet. My sinus's drain all night. I hate to take meds for that because it makes me drowsy. 

It's nearly 6:00AM now and I will go turn on the weather channel and in about 30 minutes I will check on the cats. If they are going to be here for their breakfast, it's usually 6:30AM when they are here.

According to the weather channel, it's supposed to get down to 39 degrees   today with snow showers. They haven't begun yet but are in the forecast. Tomorrow ( Friday) is forecast to be 35degrees and snow and Saturday 43 degrees and sunny. Sunday is to be 62 degrees and sunny and Monday is forecast 63 degrees and mostly cloudy. Tuesday is to be 66 degrees and partly cloudy and Wednesday is forecast for 75 degrees and mostly sunny.

Just Scruff came for breakfast and she is looking heavier every time I see her. I think she may be pregnant. I hope Blondie is not the father if I am right. He is related to her.

I have been watching the CBS news and it's over at 9:00AM and so I am getting ready now to start my cleaning.

So more later...

I have the bare floors mopped and the carpet vacuumed in the bedroom, hall and den. I need to rest a few minutes and then I will vacuum the living room and dining room. That's a great vacuum sweeper but it is heavy. I will finish up in about 15 minutes. I will probably dust tomorrow. 

Now I have the living room vacuumed and only have the dining room rug to do. I will wait a couple of minutes to finish. 

O.K. I have wasted enough time and need to get in there and finish my vacuuming in the dining room. 

I got the rest of my cleaning finished and cleaned out the vacuum sweeper..

Then I called Lacey again. She is going to file a claim against the  insurance company that Evelyn, the woman who hit me, carries. That way Shelter will have their own investigation into the accident. If they file against Shelter, my insurance will go up. Evelyn, the woman involved in my wreck had said her insurance would take care of the rental vehicle she was using and I would be responsible for my own repair...and I did. 

I read most of the afternoon after I fixed myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for my lunch. 

More even later....It's 5:07PM now.

Its slightly after 6:00PM now and I am thinking of taking my bath. Then I  will put on my pajamas and plan to go to bed by 9:00PM.

I did take my bath and put on my pajamas and robe. I will try to stay up awhile so I will sleep better.

It's supposed  to snow later this evening. Stephen and Dee Anna went back to Owasso so they wouldn't have to drive back down there in the snow tomorrow. Before he left, he brought me some ice salt so I could melt the snow before I shoveled it if I wanted to. They are awfully thoughtful and good to me.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Wenesday and a Hairdo Day

I was up in the night briefly to check to see if the Cox cable was repaired yet. They had a security problem and the entire area was down...computers and TV as well. I checked the computers  and TV at 2:30AM or so in the night and everything was finally working again. With Cox, it's always something.

I slept until 6:00AM this morning. I made my bed, dressed and got myself ready for the day and am just now having  my breakfast at 7:00AM.I really need to check the cats now.

If they came earlier at all, they must have giving up on me. Neither one were there this morning.

I did catch "the weather on the 8's" though. It's supposed to be 54 degrees and cloudy today, 46 degrees and cloudy tomorrow, 35 degrees and snow on Friday, 39 degrees and sunny on Saturday, 61 degrees and sunny on Sunday and 62 degrees and partly cloudy on Monday and 69 degrees and sunny on Tuesday.

That's the week..

I guess I'll go watch the news now.

More later...   

I left for Coffeyville about 8:15AM and stopped at Sonic there and got a cherry limeade slush. Then I went on to my hair appointment. After I got my hair done, I went out to Walmart to see if they had any more Chai latte. Unfortunately they did not. So I went over to the senior center and took those  size 10 jeans to Karan. She took them to try them but in the meantime she had  discovered that she could wear an 8 so she may not want any of the size 10s I took her. I told her if she did not need any of the 10s she could just bring them back to me at church on Sunday. She said o.k. 

I stopped at the post office there and bought stamps.

More later...

The insurance agent of the woman that hit me called me this morning to try to ascertain who was at fault for the wreck. I told her I had got stopped and she hit me. The police woman said no one was at fault but her insurance agent is going to pursue it anyhow. I tried to call Lacey but she is unavailable....maybe at lunch. Who knows. She should have a cell number but I tried the number on her card and that may be the office number. Always something. 

I learned from her office person who finally called me that she is at a special meeting of insurance agents and will be back in town tomorrow morning. That's good to know. I was wondering if she was just ignoring me.

Both cats came for supper but Blondie just ate a little while and left.I figured he had been fed at his home. Scruff ate quite a bit though before she left. She evidently was very hungry.

Stephen, my landlord, called me this evening and wanted to come put some new light fixtures in my apartment. He changed out the one at the front door, dining room, hall and den. They had done their own apartment so they wanted to do mine too. The kitchen was fine. All of them were nice and he put energy saving bulbs in them too.The den was the one I really was glad to get better light in. it was very dim.

It's 7:46PM now and I will take my bath and get my pajamas on and perhaps read some more.

I plan to go to bed at 9:00PM as usual.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Tuesday and A Car Repair

I slept fitfully last night and was up at almost 5:00AM. For one thing, I had cramps in my right foot. I don't know what that was all about but finally I got up and put a Hyland's Restful Legs tablet under my tongue and finally was able to get back to sleep. I was up at my usual  5:00AM. I have dressed and am eating my breakfast now. It's 6:08AM  and I plan to leave for Independence at 7:30AM. Scott Mills opens at 8:00AM. 

In a little bit, I will go check and see if any cats are out there for their breakfast and turn on "the weather on the 8's".

So, more in a little while...

Both cats were here for breakfast but Blondie didn't stay long. Scruff, on the other hand, is still out there eating. I figure Blondie's owner probably fed him and he wasn't particularly hungry this morning. But Scruff is very hungry.   

Scruff ate a lot of food before she left. I brought in the food to the garage and covered it.

I also caught the weather forecast.

Tuesday (today) will be 48 degrees and cloudy, Wednesday will be 57 degrees and mostly sunny, Thursday is to be 51 degrees and cloudy, Friday 41 degrees and snow, Saturday 45 degrees and sunny, Sunday 65 degrees and sunny and Monday 66 degrees and partly cloudy. That's it for this next week.

More later...after I get back from Independence. I don't know when that will be. 

I am going to go now and download some more books so I will have plenty to read while I wait for my car repair to be finished.

O.K. I have three new books downloaded and I have the Kindle on the charger so I won't run out of a charge while I am reading. I will leave it on the charger until I am ready to leave for Independence. That will be about 30 minutes from now.

So more later when I get back home.

I got there at 8:00aM but it was 10:30 AM until I got my car back. It does look very nice though. Thank goodness! It cost a little over $1,000 but it was worth it to have it looking good anyhow. That was $300 less then the cost of that crown I had to have. I will try to rebuild my emergency fund at $100. a month.  I need to have an emergency fund for unexpected expenses like that crown and that wreck. 

I went up to Big Cheese and bought a small pizza and a drink and texted Leslie to see if I could come out to their place and see the puppies. She agreed so I boxed up the pizza and got a paper cup for the drink and I went out there.

(The next day..Wednesday)

When I tried to log onto my computers last evening..I found that Cox had a major security problem and the entire system here was down.. The TV wasn't receiving any signal either so I read all evening. I went to bed about 8:00PM after I had had my bath too. With Cox, it's always something. I woke up at 2:15AM this morning to go to the bathroom and take my two meds and the computers were receiving a signal then. I haven't checked the TV yet but before I go back to bed, I will.  

The TV was working this morning too.It's 2:41AM on  Wednesday morning and I will go back to bed now.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Monday and Laundry

I slept fairly well last night but was up an hour earlier to strip my bed and do laundry.  The laundry is in the dryer now. And it's 5:40AM now.

I am hoping Scott Mills will want to repair my car today. John told me at church yesterday that Scott got his fixed and said it would either be today or tomorrow for mine. I hope it will be today. I want to take Nancy out for lunch tomorrow and if I can't go, I will need to call her to make it Thursday or Friday. My hair appointment is Wednesday at 9:00AM and Toni is booked three weeks ahead. If I have to cancel that, I will have to wash it myself. I can do that but I don't really like to. I imagine it will be 8:00AM or 9:00AM before Scott will call ..if he calls today at all. If I had known it was going to be this long to get it fixed, I would have taken it here to Josh Elliott's shop here in Caney where I get my other repairs done. I didn't know he had a body shop too.  I found that out after Scott had already ordered the parts. Matt, at Josh's could have got it right in three weeks ago. But I think Scott will do a better job. It will take almost all my savings to pay for the repair. I intend to put $100 a month back in the savings account to repay my emergency fund there.

Wow! It's always something.

It's almost 6:00AM now. I guess I will go turn on the TV and watch "the weather on the 8's" now. Be back later...I also want to check on the cats. Neither of them came for supper last night in the rain. 

It's 7:08AM now and I have been watching the weather channel and we are forecast today at 42 degrees and clouds, Tuesday 49 degrees and cloudy, Wednesday 57 degrees and mostly sunny, Thursday 66 degrees and mostly cloudy, Friday 38 degrees and snow, Saturday 40 degrees and sunny and Sunday 42 degrees and sunny. That's the week's forecast.

Plus I got the dryer emptied and the laundry put away. 

I haven't seen any cats yet....strange.

It's 9:20AM and I still haven't seen any cats. Very strange..  

More later...

It's 930AM now and I haven't heard a thing from Scott Mills. 

I had some of my ham and potato casserole for my lunch, It was good even warmed up in the microwave. 

It's 1:15PM now and I still haven't heard anything from Scott Mills yet. If he's painting it today he will probably call me to bring the car in tomorrow. At least I can hope. Then I will need to call Nancy and tell her I will come Thursday this week. I have called him twice since the wreck three weeks ago and left a message both times but he has never called me back so I have no idea what to expect.

I finally called him back again and sure enough, he plans to put my bumper on tomorrow. I got Nancy's new number from Dale and tried to call her but she must be playing Bingo or something. She didn't answer the phone.  I suppose I should just run down there today to visit or she will be expecting me in the morning. It's only 1:20PM so I have plenty of time to do that. 

So much later .....

That's what I did. I drove down to see Nancy this afternoon and while I was there I also bought gas at Walmart there. It was $3.89 a gallon.The price of gasoline has gone crazy lately with this inflation.

I got home about 4:00PM and was going to make a transfer from my savings to my checking account so I could pay Scott Mills tomorrow when he repairs my bumper but I found I couldn't transfer from my savings to my checking online.I could only transfer from my checking to my savings. So I called the bank and had an employee there do the transfer for me.

I will leave here by7:30AM so I can be at Scott's by 8:00AM. I will take my Kindle so I can read while he works on the bumper. I won't have any transportation so I will just have to sit in his building while he gets that done. I have no idea how long that will take. If he is done by noon I may stop be Big Cheese and get a mini pizza. 

I may have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for my supper. I had that casserole for lunch.

I will read until time for the CBS evening news. 

I read for awhile and then later watched the recorded CBS evening news.

I will take my bath at 7:00PM and put my pajamas on. I will read until bedtime at 9:00PM. I the morning I will leave for Independence at 7:30AM and plan to be at Scott Mill's place of business by 8:00AM.


Sunday, March 6, 2022

Sunday and Church

I slept fairly well last night. I woke up once in the night but I counted my breaths "one two, one two" and got back to sleep. I slept until 5:00AM. I am eating my breakfast now.

I just had a surprise text from an old friend, Joanne Stoner. When I used to go to John Whitmer Historical Association meetings in Independence, Missouri, I stayed with her and Reg. I really enjoyed their hospitality. She lost Reg in January. I am sure she is lost without him.

I have finished my breakfast and am drinking my coffee and texting her. She is leaving me to my meditations, she said. She is praying for me this morning, she said. I certainly need it.

It is supposed to rain today. It hasn't begun yet. I will go check "the weather on the 8's " and the cats.

Only Scruff was here for her breakfast. I didn't see a sign of Blondie.

I got my ham and potato casserole in the oven. It will need to bake at 375 degrees for an hour and then another 15 minutes uncovered. I will leave for church as soon as it is finished baking. I will need to get the communion prepared when I get there. 

So, more later....

I got my ham and potato casserole out of the oven and now I am ready to go to the church and get the communion prepared and the table ready. I will check out how the church looks too.

So more later...after the baby shower this afternoon....

I got there early enough to clean on the church a little and also get the communion ready.

The sermon went alright. I had several nice comments. They don't want me to stop speaking yet.

The dinner was excellent and so was the baby shower. They got some wonderful gifts.

I did the dishes afterward and Karan helped me.In fact everyone cleaned everything up nicely. 

I am glad the service was over least my part in it. We had a very nice group. Only four were missing. Kelly and Melissa, Gene and Chris.

Karan is down to a size 10 pant. I found 14 pair among my pants that are size 10. I have been wearing a size 6 for several years.I will take them to Coffeyville when I get my hair done on Wednesday and she can try them on and see if she wants any of them.

More later.... 

I have been reading this afternoon and also playing a game on the computer. Now I am preparing to join the Mission Center evening worship service if  I can get on Zoom. Half the time, I can't. It starts at 6:00PM Sunday evenings.

I am recording 60 Minutes while this service is on. It's my favorite news program. I tolerate channel 6 news but that's all I can do. I read yesterday that Tulsa has more murders yearly then New York City. That's tragic!

I should go check out the cat situation before I try to get on Zoom.

More later.. 

There aren't any cats out there but it looks like it's been raining. I knew it was forecast but didn't realize it had actually started raining..

It's been raining all evening. I watched the Mission Center worship service at 600PM and then I took my bath at 7:00PM and lastly watched my recorded 60 Minutes program. I will go to bed at 9:00PM. It's 8:14PM now. Maybe I will read awhile until then.