Saturday, July 20, 2024

Saturday and Lunch at Gabbys

 I was up at 4:00AM, made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I haven't opened the front door yet. I have had my Chai Latte and my breakfast bar. I have even seen the "weather on the 8's". Here it is.

Today is to be 82 degrees and cloudy, Tomorrow is to be 82 degrees and AM showers, Monday is to be 85 degrees and few showers,  Tuesday is to be 89 degrees and mostly sunny, Wednesday is to be 91 degrees and mostly sunny, Thursday is to be 93 degrees and mostly sunny, Friday is to be 91 degrees and partly cloudy. That's a few showers Sunday and Monday and otherwise mostly sunny and cloudy.

I imagine the cats are out there looking for their breakfast. I will check.

I was right. There were four cats out there waiting for their breakfast, Blondie, Whiteie, Blackie and Grey. They are all eating now.

I will need to get some more dry cat food. All I have left is the wet cat food.

More Later.. I got the dry cat food and fed the four of them some of it and also some more wet cat food. Then I cleaned up their bowls.

More Even Later...

Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday and Many Cats

 I was up at 6::00AM this morning and got my laundry out of the dryer and put away!

I opened the front door to four cars...Blackie, Blondie, Whitey and Grey.  I took them out both wet and dry food. They are about finished eating now.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's" and here it is:

Today is to be 86 degrees and  sunny, tomorrow is to be 84 degrees and mostly cloudy, Sunday is to be 84 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. Monday is to be 84 degrees and AM showers.and Tuesday is to be 88 degrees and partly cloudy and  Wednesday is to be 92 degrees and mostly sunny and Thursday is to be 93 degrees and mostly sunny.! That's the week! Two days of rain and lots of hot weather!

More Later.. 

I will read awhile now.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thursday and Lunch at Copan

I was up early again this morning, made my bed and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I read awhile and then opened the front door to four hungry cats. I took food out to all of them and they ate and most of them left after that.  I had some Chai Latte but was out of breakfast bars so after the Dollar store is open I will go there and buy breakfast bars and some of their wet cat food. They prefer the type our Dollar Store carries.  I got what I am feeding them now at Coffeyville's Walmart. yesterday. It's rather dry and they prefer it wetter.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's" and here it is.

Today is to be 87 degrees and mostly sunny,  tomorrow is to be 87 degrees and sunny, Saturday is to be 86 degrees and mostly cloudy, Sunday is to be 81 degrees and thunderstorms, Monday is to be 82 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, Tuesday is to be 86 degrees and partly cloudy,  and Wednesday is to be 90 degrees and partly cloudy That's the week! Two days or rain, Saturday and Sunday and the rest just hot weather.

More Later... 

I am planning to go to Copan for lunch today.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Yesterday's Mowing

Stephen's son, John,  and grandson mowed yesterday evening and John trimmed and I am glad because it is raining today. It has rained and had thunderstorms most of the night..I have Bunco at the senior center today at 1:00PM . I hope it doesn't rain and I will have to drive in the rain..I also have have my hair appointment with Toni at 9:00AM this morning. I will need to get a treat for Bunco, probably at the Caney Market... before I leave for the hair appointment. If it doesn't stop raining there may not be many there at Bunco.

I have fixed my Chai Latte and a breakfast bar for my breakfast. I don't know if the cats will come out in the rain for their breakfast. ...probably not.

I was wrong. Four cats came for their breakfast regardless of the rain. The were sheltered outside the front door. The last one to finish was Blondie. I am out of wet cat food now so dry cat food is all I have. At 8:00AM, I will buy more. At least two boxes.... If it isn't pouring rain.

I did catch "the weather on the 8's" and here it is.

Today is to be 88 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Thursday is to be 88 degrees and sunny, Friday is to be 89 degrees and sunny, Saturday is to be 87 degrees and mostly cloudy, Sunday is to be 81 degrees and thunderstorms, and Monday is to be 82 degrees and scattered thunderstorms.

That's all for now....

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday and Possible Mowing

I slept well last night and was up pretty early ,,,around  4:00AM. I read awhile and then fixed myself some Chai Latte and a breakfast bar.. Finally I opened the front door to four cats. I took them out some wet and dry cat food and they are out there eating now. There is Blue, Blondie and Whitey  and a couple of kittens..a black one and a blond one.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's"and here it is,Today is to be 98 degrees and  mostly sunny, Wednesday is to be 88 degrees and AM thunderstorms, Thursday is to be 87 degrees and mostly sunny, Friday is to be 90 degrees and sunny, Saturday is to be 89 degrees and mostly cloudy, Sunday is to be 85 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, and Monday is to be 83 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. That's the week!

More Later...

Stephen's grandson may mow today since it is to be mostly sunny

Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday and Another Hot Day

I was up several times in the night adjusting the heat and cool temperatures. Finally I got up shortly before 6:00AM. I made my bed and made up and dressed and got myself ready for the day. I opened the front door to five cats waiting for their breakfast. I fixed five bowls of wet and dry cat food and they dug in. Some are still eating but one or two have finished and left.

I also caught "the weather on the 8's". Today is supposed to be102 degrees and sunny, Tuesday is supposed to be 99 degrees and mostly cloudy,  Wednesday is to be 86 degrees and scattered thunderstorms, Thursday is to be 88 degrees and mostly sunny,   Friday is supposed to be  90 degrees and mostly sunny, Saturday is supposed to be 90 degrees and partly cloudy, and Sunday is supposed to be 84 degrees and scattered thunderstorms. That's the week! A couple of days of rain and the rest very hot!

More Later.. I wonder if Stephen's grandson is going to mow today? I will just have to wait to see. It may be Tuesday instead.

I just finished cleaning the apartment. It had been a little over a week since I had done it, Now I am charging the vacuum battery. That will take awhile.

It finished charging and I put it away.

 More Later... 

I went up to John and Leslie's on my way to the Dairy Queen to see how John was doing. He has a doctor's appointment in Bartlesville tomorrow. He is doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. The doctor can tell him more tomorrow.

I had their $7.00 special with a cheeseburger this time.

I read all afternoon and finished one book and started the second one. It's 5:05PM now. Close to 7:00PM, I will take my bath and get ready for bed. I will go to bed closer to 9:00PM. Right now I will catch the CBS news.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday and Another Hot Day

It is going to be another hot day. I opened the door to four hungry cats. I took four bowls out to them and all but Whitey are gone now after eating their fill. She is still eating. She waited until the others were gone to come over from across the street..

I also caught "the weather on the 8's" and here it is.

Today is to be 99 degrees and  mostly sunny. Tomorrow is to be 103 degrees and sunny. Tuesday is to be 99 degrees and partly cloudy, Wednesday is to be 86 degrees and Thunderstorms, Thursday is to be 87 degrees and partly cloudy, Friday is to be 89 degrees and partly cloudy, and Saturday is to be 89 degrees and partly cloudy. That's the week! Another scorcher!

I have the coffee cake out of the oven now and it is cooling on a wire rack. Soon I will put a glaze on it..after it cools a bit. 

I wonder if John, my son in law, slept well last night. He had a surgery on Friday and had his big toe removed. It continued to get infected and the infection was in the bone and had to be drained and he was miserable a good deal of the time. Poor guy! I sent some coffeecake home with Leslie for John.

More Later....