Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Scott's here!

My son, Scott, came home on leave again. He will stay the better part of a week. He also ordered expanded TV so I would have a lot more stations to watch. And he will stake up my tree instead of John. In the next month and a half he will leave for Germany. Before he got here, I mowed the yard. I was afraid it would rain and the yard looked pretty shaggy.

I cleaned this morning and got everything done but the vacuuming. I will do that tomorrow. Actually the house looks pretty good. There's no one to mess it up now.

If I ever get the insurance money I will pay the funeral home and then I want to have my carpets cleaned. They have never been cleaned and really need it.

We went to the market this morning and I fixed some soup for dinner. We will go out to John and Leslie's this evening for Family Night. Bobby and Karan are going to pick us up. They will be by in about thirty minutes.

Tomorrow we will go to Bartlesville. It's something different to do. The TV people will turn on the expanded channels while we are gone.


Balisha said...

You're going to really enjoy that TV...especially in the winter. Have a wonderful time with Scott. Sounds like you have a loving family all around you right now. Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

So glad Scott is there with you for a visit. Enjoy every moment with him. I bet you love having all those t.v. channels, too. Hugs, Judy

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Margie's Musings said...

It will be nice. I would not have been able to afford the expanded cable service. It is good of Scott to insist.