Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday At Last

Things look a little brighter this morning. The terrible problem that presented itself yesterday afternoon has been put in it's proper perspective this morning. It took two sleeping pills but I finally got some sleep last night. I feel better this morning. The terrible problem is not mine but I was trying to make it mine with my "fix it" mentality. I have had to learn that there are many problems in my world that I simply cannot "fix". I haven't the resources to fix everything.

I have my car packed and I am ready to go after the class this afternoon at 4:00. I am anxious to get home where a certain amount of sanity prevails. It has been a good camp overall. There has been a lot of good teamwork with all the chores. The services have been good and the adult class is excellent. I could have enjoyed it even more if Phyllis hadn't died just before I came and if the news of yesterday hadn't seemed so devastating.

It's only 6:30 AM now. I will add more as the day progresses.


ChuckFu said...

Ok Mom, you know I'm going to call and want the low down on what happened. check with you later today

Balisha said...

I seem to have that same fixit gene.It sounds like you dealt with your feelings well. I think that we rehash everything in our sleeping hours and can't turn our minds off.
Glad to hear that your sister's service went well and that you were able to go to camp.
Have a restful night...Balisha

Margie's Musings said...

Thank you, Balisha. I guess it was not to be though. I awoke at 2:30 this morning after getting to bed at 10:00 and cannot get back to sleep.