Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cake Tuesday

Today we take our cakes to Independence for the dinner at the First Christian Church there this evening.  I will leave at 9:00 and Bob will go too. It is also time for our haircuts. Then we will eat a mini pizza at Big Cheese. I need to check to see that I have enough money.  I baked my cake yesterday morning and iced it after it was cool.  Before we went to the kids' last night, I called Phyllis and Karan to tell them we were leaving at 4:30 and would not be back until late and if they wanted to bring over their cakes, they should do it before then.  Phyllis did but I guess Karan will bring hers over this morning. Bob has his done and iced but has not brought it over yet.

We are to have rain all week. It rained off and on all day yesterday.

Tomorrow Bob and I will go exercise class at 9:00 and then afterward to Joplin for my doctor's consultation appointment for my drooping eyelids. First we will eat lunch at Olive Garden. It may rain on us all day. It is forecast.

Bobby just called to find out when we were leaving for Independence. I told him 9:00 and he said they would be bringing the cake over before then. 

More later...

We went to Independence and delivered our cakes and then got our haircuts.  After that we ate at Big Cheese and then I went to the bank up there to sign papers and pick up a debit card.  Then we stopped at the church and finished putting the letters on the other side of the sign  there.

Then we came home and I read most of the afternoon. I think Bob took a nap. I took the paper over there awhile ago and he will be over at 6:00 to watch TV for awhile.

I went over to Braums awhile ago and bought some yogurt. I need to get some good bacteria back in my gut after taking all that antibiotic for the cat bite. I am feeling somewhat better now.  I ate one awhile ago and that was a beginning to get things balanced again.

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