Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tuesday and Cakes Again

I will leave about 8:15 for Independence to deliver the cakes.  Then I will go get my hair done. It is a mess! Too much rain and humidity.

I slept well last night until about 3:30 when I woke up to a noise.  It was like a snoring baby. I checked and it was Missy, lying beside me on the bed...sound asleep and snoring. I had to smile. I think I had heard her snore before but it had been awhile and it was while she was lying in my lap. I went back to sleep and awoke about 5:00 AM.

Bob just called to say his electricity had not gone out over at Sycamore Landing. Strange... I called Leslie about my loss here and she said she had seen on TV that Coffeyville had lost their power. Evidently not all of Coffeyville lost their power.

I took Missy out for awhile this morning but I heard the alarm of a bird and looked up to see the tom cat from across the street was next door on our side of the street. I got my broom and scatted him away. But, much to her dismay, I brought Missy back in the house.  She is pouting now.

I hope today at work is not as bad as yesterday. With all this rain, kids cannot go to the pool so instead, they come to the library and check out five DVDs and sit inside and watch TV all day long.  They no longer read as much. If they aren't watching movies,they are playing with their tablets at the library where there is free access to a router.  I will be long gone when these kids are running the country and won't have to deal with it but my kids will have to deal with people who no longer can write cursive or even compose a theme. ..unless they have a computer. What a shame. When I was young the US was 1st in education in the world. Now we are 16th.

More later...

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