Sunday, May 29, 2016

Church Again

I will go to church as usual this morning. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night but finally did. I got up earlier then usual because I made up my coffeecake for the Church School class. I will pick up Bob this morning. I want to ask Phyllis and Karan if they would like to go to Great China for lunch. I talked to Jim at Just Us last evening and he said he was feeling fine after his hernia surgery but that Kay has been sick for two weeks. So they are not open until the following weekend. 

I'd better get back to this later. It's time to get Bob.

Church was fine today. The sermon had some good points too.

After church five of us went to Great China. 

I came home and did my congregational newsletters and got them out on the mailbox for Tuesday.

Tomorrow, I will clean and do my laundry. Bob kind of wanted to do something so I may just clean the kitchen and bathroom and vacuum one room. My feet have swollen again this evening and I haven't even been on them..

Bob came over to read the papers and watch 60 Minutes with me and then we checked HSN and just happened to see they have their Bose music systems on sale for $100 off and free shipping. Bob has been wanting one of those for ages and he passed up the last deal they had on them so he ordered one. He is really excited about finally having one. It will be three to five days before it arrives.

I guess I will read this evening since there's absolutely nothing on TV tonight.  Then about 9:00, I'll go to bed. I was up awfully early this morning at shortly after 4:00 AM. Tomorrow I will make a cake for the First Christian Church in Independence and then Bob and I will take the four of ours up Tuesday. We plan to have leftover meatloaf and fried potatoes, a salad and veggie and for dessert we will have the rest of our chocolate pudding.  I really need to bake cookies too.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Oh Church and Chinese Food afterward is a great recipe :)

Margie's Musings said...

Yes, it is, Deb!