Church and Church School went well. Everyone brought treats so Bob had a lot left over. He had taken his date nut bread. I brought much of his home and will give it to him this evening.
We had a nice crowd for Easter and Melissa did a really good job. We had a good meal at "Just Us" too!
This is Johnna, who presided.

And this is Melissa, who preached.

Leslie brought me some hen and chicks and I went to plant them I found that the squirrels had been doing some digging in my flowerbeds. Darn squirrels! I will get out my B B gun and make short work of those little devils!
I got my congregational newsletters done and when I got that done and put one out on the mailbox for the mailman to pick up tomorrow. The others went out in e-mail.
My son, Scott, called this morning and visited with me quite awhile. He and Ginger are going to take Linda (her mother) and me on a cruise to Alaska next spring. I have never gone on a cruise so that will be a treat!
I did register for the short Ozark Reunion #1 (family church camp) this morning. That is in June and begins on the 14th and ends on the 18th. Bob said he would come over and feed Missy and give her some company too. The June camp is only four days so that will not be a big imposition.
I am considering attending the longer seven day Ozark Reunion # 2 (family church camp) in July too. Scott said he would pay for it if I wanted to go. I sure may consider that!
More later....
Bob came over about 5:30 to watch 60 Minutes. We sat outside with Missy until 6:00 when 60 Minutes begins. After 60 Minutes was finished, we watched a CBS special on the Bee Gees, one of our favorite groups from our youth. It was well done.
When Bob left Missy and I took my bath and stayed up until 9:00 when we went to bed.
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