I have dressed for the day, fed Missy and myself. I am watching the weather this morning.
Yesterday evening I had Cox download their support icon on the large laptop computer too. Once a week they tune up the computers that is downloaded on. The cost is $10.00 a month. It's well worth that to have them cleaned up regularly. They schedule that at 5:00 PM on Tuesdays. I may have them download another icon on Bob's computer. They will service four computers for that $10.00 a month. It often needs service and it is one of the computers I leave on all the time. Bob doesn't stay on top of his updates. Since Keith is out of the country part of each month, I can't trouble him with my computer problems anymore.
Bob will be by to pick me up at 6:45. Then we will pick up Phyllis. It's only 5:30 now so I have plenty of time.
More later..
Bob picked me up and then we went to get Phyllis. After we got to Independence, Bob parked and we soon loaded the bus. There were 50 of us.
We drove to a truck stop south of Wichita and exchanged buses. The bus had no heat and it had a bad rattle. The second bus was the same type but it did have heat and was not noisy.
Then we went on to Hutchinson and ate a great lunch at an Amish community before we went on to the salt mines.
The tour was interesting but much too long. We were required to wear hard hats and I developed a headache about two thirds way through the tour. Finally I loosened the hard hat and the headache went away.
Here are some photos from the museum.
This is the outside of the museum.
This is Bob and Phyllis F. in the lobby of the museum.
This is a poster on the wall in the lobby.
This is just one stack of hundreds of files stored there.
We eventually got back home around 7:30. Missy was not happy about being left alone all day. She didn't get her 4:45 treats until 7:45. We were both very tired. Missy and I went to bed at 9:00.
Welcome to Hutch today. Our little town is full of restaurants and crazy drivers. Be careful!
Hi Marlu....we were on a large bus. I was safe!
This looks so interesting! :) Great pics :)
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