Monday, October 1, 2018

Monday and A Better Day

Missy didn't get sick again last night but I still put in a call to the vet this morning. Dr. Cooper will call me back when he gets out of surgery. I want to find out if it would be better to give her soft cat food under the circumstances. That will tell me whether to put off having my carpet cleaned on Wednesday.

I slept pretty well and got up about 4:45. I had fallen asleep couple of times while I watched TV last night so I probably got my sleep out. The arm is better this morning too. . it's still sore but bearable.

I ordered coffee from Keurig this morning for both Bob and myself. It will be 5 to 7 days before it arrives anyhow. I don't desperately need it but I want the variety. I ordered the 40 pack for Bob because with our credits (points) we get it cheaper from Keurig. He won't need it for awhile but we will have it when he does.

I am going to go pay my rent now. So more later...

I got my rent paid and went to the bank. Then I came home and baked my cake for the First Christian Church in Independence. Phyllis brought me hers earlier. She is so faithful! I did some weeding in my flowerbeds and took Missy outside too.. I reminded Karan about the cakes and she had forgotten and thanked me for reminding her.

I got hold of Dr. Cooper at Dr. Barta's clinic. He suggested I let her try the soft food because he figures at 151/2 years old, she doesn't have enough teeth left to chew the hard stuff up anymore. He never recommends the soft stuff because he says, like Dr. Barta, that it is not good for their teeth.

More later....

I gave Missy some of the patte soft cat food and she really seemed to like it and gobbled it right down. Now we'll see if it stays down.

I took my faucet off and found it full of calcium and some of that black stuff that the plumber found in the line last spring. I soaked the entire apparatus in vinegar and it eventually cleaned up but when I tried to put it all back together everything would go together except the rubber gasket. So I tried it (gingerly) and it worked fine without it. We will see.

I saw this story in the Chronicle:


Big news came to Coffeyville Community College today in the form of an enrollment report prepared by the Kansas Board of Regents.

The Regents' annual fall semester enrollment report of all public technical schools, community colleges and four-year institutions showed CCC posting the largest enrollment increase of any of the Regents' institutions — 10.41 percent.

Meanwhile, Independence Community College posted an enrollment decrease of 3.63 percent, according to the report.

Thirteen of the 19 community colleges in Kansas posted lower enrollment for the fall 2018 semester — bringing total community college enrollment down by 2.60 percent.

Systemwide, the Regents' institutions experienced a 0.63 percent decrease in full-time equivalent student enrollment for the fall 2018 semester compared to the fall 2017 semester.

More details about college enrollments will be printed in a story in the Oct. 4 issue of the Montgomery County Chronicle.

My carpet cleaner called this afternoon to ask me to change my appointment with him until next Monday. His brother and his family, whom he hasn't seen in 15 years is coming for a visit and he wants to have a good visit with him and his family. I was glad to oblige him.

It is nearly 4:35 now and I want to eat something before I catch the news, So..more later...

I had eaten my leftover chicken fried steak for dinner so for supper, I just had a bowl of ice cream.

Then I took my bath and watched 48 hours episodes with Missy on my Amazon Prime. At 9:00, we went on to bed.


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