Friday, July 14, 2023

Friday and Home From Camp

I have been gone a week to church camp. It's a family camp. I have gone yearly since 1961 when My youngest boy was 1 year old. In those days we stayed in a tent that we had camped in on weekends a couple of times a month..

I got home about 12:00PM or so today. I really didn't pay a lot of attention to the time. I stopped at Karan's to see what kind of damage this week's storm caused to her home. A tree fell on the front of her home. She had a large hole in the ceiling of her bedroom and a couple of smaller holes in the living room ceiling and bathroom ceiling but it could have been a lot worse then it was, Her stepson, a building contractor, went by yesterday and put plastic on her roof to keep last night's storm from causing any more damage. He cleaned up the tree limbs and leaves in the worst room..her bedroom.

Tomorrow I will probably have lunch at Gabby's in downtown Caney. I will see what will be on the menu before I make that decision.

More Later..


Suemn said...

Poor Karan! I wouldn't want to come home to such damage but I'm glad her son-in-law was able to take care of things while she was away.

Suemn said...

Sorry, I meant Karan's stepson and good to hear that he is a building contractor so he'll be able to help her get the repairs done.

Kay said...

Oh my gosh! That's awful! There's been some horrible weather on the mainland. My daughter got a tornado warning earlier this week. It's spooky.