"And I am just telling you, you can talk to me or anybody else at any time in Washington, and they will tell you there is nobody, nobody in the entire United States senate that understands the political, the economic, and the security challenges and opportunities of the world better than Joe Biden does. He is a superb choice."
If anyone should know, it would be Bill Clinton. He was president for eight years...some of the most productive years in decades where we had the national debt under control. He worked with Biden and should know the score there. Can you even imagine Palin trying to repair the Bush damage to our image abroad? What a nightmare that would be as she tries to explain her foreign affairs experience as living right next to Russia where Putin's plane flies right overhead. Does that make sense to any of you?
I listened to Clinton's speech this morning, too. I love to hear him speak; he has a knack for explaining even the most complicated problem in the simplest terms. It's too bad that Obama, if he wins, will have to spend so much time on domestic policy, but he'll have to because Bush completely ignored it. The Republicans never think domestic policy is important.
They leave it in the hands of their advisors...who are usually connected with lobbyists.
I agree. We need one to focus on domestic and one on foreign policy. More and more we simply have to realize that it is "one world" and what affects one part of it, will eventually and inevitiably affect the other.
Clinton is correct on all counts. In watching how testy got in the Couric interviews I'm even more concerned about his temperament to govern.
Me too. He has a terrible time controlling his temper when anyone challenges him or his judgment.
I think people are beginning to see through Sarah Palin. I heard them making fun of her on fox news this afternoon. Biden is a wonderful candidate for vice president in my book. I really like him.
So do I, Judy.
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