Friday, January 8, 2010

Busy Friday

I cleaned house today. The place was really filthy and I can't figure out why. I clean at least once a week and sometimes even more. I also did four loads of laundry and changed the bed.

I heard from our class treasurer and she needed for me to take the cash she got at the bank and go pick up the newsletters and stamps. She was leaving tomorrow for Dallas to stay with her niece, who is recovering from breast cancer surgery. I did that and then I spent the afternoon stuffing 160 newsletters into the envelopes I had addressed yesterday. Bob put the stamps on for me and then I took them to the post office and got them in the mail.

There's nothing on my schedule for tomorrow.

A dear friend of mine called this morning to say his wife had died this morning. She had been very sick for several months. She has been a paraplegic for 24 years and was very brave and independent as anyone can be in her situation. I really admired her. Her funeral is next Thursday at 2:00 and Bob and I will attend. Fr. Jerry, the husband is an Episcopalian priest. He has been a terrific caregiver all these years. Marsha, his wife, was 66.

Busy! Busy!

I forgot to get my chicken out in time for it to thaw so I made hamburgers and french fries for dinner. I also fixed some gravy since we eat our hamburgers without a bun.

Tonight I am just relaxing and watching TV...if there's anything worth watching on TV.

I don't know whether we will hold church Sunday or not. It has been 1 degree and only as warm as 5 degrees today. Everything around here has been canceled. I hate to cancel church again and we will have our congregational budget business meeting then too. Time will tell. If it warms up any at all, we will go ahead and have church with those who are able to come.

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