Friday, January 8, 2010

Thursday News

Again, I am a day behind.

Yesterday, I took my class's newsletter to the printer to be duplicated and folded. I spent a good deal of the day running envelopes through my computer to put names and addresses on them in anticipation of picking up the newsletter and getting it ready to be mailed. I sent out six that I printed off on my computer. I had miscounted by six when I told the person at the Service Office and Supply the number I needed. I will need to contact the treasurer to buy stamps and pay the printer when they are ready.

Then at noon we went to Ministerial Alliance meeting and I spent the afternoon doing the minutes and finishing up the envelopes. We had the rest of our potato soup for supper.

Last night we just stayed home. It was 8 degrees. This morning it is 1 degree and the water in our refrigerator is frozen. We have a light on it but it froze anyhow. It is just so cold.

Next week it is supposed to be in the 40's. I look forward to next week. That will feel warm.


Balisha said...

Hi Margie,
We're looking forward to a warmup too. This cold weather is hard on everyone. We have so much snow to melt...we will be in the deep freeze for a long time, I'm afraid. The snowplow just went is still snowing. I'm organizing my work area downstairs. Good job for a day like this. Keep warm and take a are the busiest lady that I know.
Warm hugs...Balisha

pat m said...

Which is why I moved to the PNW from Missouri. The weather is much more temperate.

Margie's Musings said...

Thanks for dropping by, gals.