Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quiet Tuesday

Today should be another quiet day...good, I need a few. I will go to my sister's in about 45 minutes to stay with her while my brother-in-law goes to have breakfast with his friends.

Other then that, I don't have a plan today. I may make cookies.

I am also working on a new book I bought last week called "Game Change..Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palen, and the Race of a Lifetime". I am almost halfway through it and it has many revelations about the election and the events leading up to it. It's by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, a couple of reporters who followed the race closely. Verrry interesting!

We watched PBS last night and The American Experience, my favorite program, was on the 1918 flu epidemic. That was particularly interesting to me because my grandmother's little sister died of flu in 1918. She was two years old.

Tonight another of my favorite PBS programs is on. It's Frontline. I have forgotten the topic but it's usually very informative. We seldom watch anything but PBS. TV is absolutely worthless anymore. It has horrible programming and is filled with commercials for various medicines. Before I retired from the advertising field, it was not allowed to advertise prescription medicine. Another regulation gone by the wayside. They have also increased the amount of allowable commercials so much that it seems half the program is commercial.

I saw on PBS news last night that the Israelis have done the best job of responding to the Haitian earthquake crisis. They came the next day and set up portable hospitals with specialists and began treating folks without waiting for directions from the Haitian government which is still trying to decide what to do.


Anonymous said...

Hi Margie, I am having a quiet day today. It is raining here and supposed to rain most of the week. I am sorry your husband is no better. I hope the medicine starts to help soon. I would be getting out of Haiti since they have now had another after shock or quake and I read today there might be even more. I feel so sorry for those people.

Margie's Musings said...

It's terrible, Judy..really terrible. Yet I feel we have to stay and help.