Friday, January 29, 2010

Snowy Friday

Well, the snow finally hit last night. And it's snowing cats and dogs right now. We will probably stay in today. Although, we got our homestead exemption refund from the state of Kansas last night and we may try to take our daughter to lunch at noon...if we can get to Independence.

Scott plans to come tonight after work. We have not seen him since Christmas. He calls regularly though, as does Keith. They are both concerned about their dad. In fact, all three kids are.

I got up twice last night to let Slinky out. But I had moved the cushion from the chaise lounge in the house from the patio yesterday evening and put it in the utility area of the kitchen and he has loved sleeping on a cushion. That's where he is right now. He is an old dog and sleeping on the floor has been really rough on him, even with the two little rugs. He wads those up and makes himself a little nest with them.

Silly dog!


Anonymous said...

I am glad Slinky likes his cushion and is all comfy now. We are playing a waiting game here on the snow. It was first supposed to be here this morning. Now, they say later tonight. We went to Kroger and there was not much left on the shelves. Hope your Bob can get some relief soon. Thinking of you both.

Margie's Musings said...

Thanks, Judy.

Our snow began early this morning and it has snowed all day long. We have six inches now. It's supposed to stop tonight. I hope it does.