Sunday, August 21, 2011

Busy Sunday

Today will be busy. I will go to church and then afterward a group of us will eat out together....possibly over to Cherryvale at "Just Us" a real nice buffet. After that, I will do my letters and then I will need to go back out to church to run off copies of the questions for the Living the Questions group which meets tonight at Keith and Joyce's home.

I have already fed the animals and watered the flowers this morning. It is only 74 degrees this morning....which is a welcome relief from the heat. Yesterday didn't get terribly hot either. Maybe fall is in the air. I can hardly wait.

Bob A. will be by after while to pick me up for church.

More later....

Church went fine. Afterward five of us went to Cherryvale to Just Us, a great buffet. Everything is homemade and dessert and drink as well as all you want to eat is an even $10.00.

When I got home I did the letters for the congregation.

Then later in the afternoon, Richard came over and looked at the leaning fence. The cheapest way to fix it would to dig some deep holes, insert some new and longer metal pipe and straighten the fence and attach it after the cement cures. The best way to do it would be to take down the fence, put four by four wooden posts in concrete and build a new frame work and then rebuild the fence. At $25.00 per hour per man (a two man job) for 32 hours labor, that would be $1600. I can't do that. I need to give it some thought. I wasn't going to have anything done until it cools down this fall.

What a dilemma.

I have Living the Questions at 7:00 this evening. Slinky came in the house when Richard opened the door to come back in. It's now 95 degrees out there so I let him stay in the kitchen. If it ever cools down, I will wash and wax my kitchen floor. Right now I wash it but it always looks crappy because Slinky drools all over it. I haven't waxed it in weeks....maybe months.

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