Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Again

We had a big attendance at the Living the Questions group last night. Bobby cooked out for us and we all brought a dish. There was a wide variety of food. I picked up Gary and later on took him home again. Gary is single and pretty lonely so he really enjoys these things. As a matter of fact, so do I.

I'm not quite sure what I will do today. I probably should do some cleaning. It's been a week. First I will take Slinky for his walk though. It's the highlight of his week. As I was getting up this morning and making my bed, he barked to let me know he was hungry. Inky did not come home for supper last night and he did not show up for breakfast this morning either. I hope he is not hurt or been hit by a car. He's my affectionate cat. Missy hates him (and everyone else). She tolerates me because I feed her. Slinky is in the kitchen with me right now. He gets lonely out there in the back yard and wants to come in first thing in the morning. I am washing his bedding this morning. He has two old rugs I gave him to sleep on on my chaise lounge. He wads them up and makes a "nest" out of them. Occasionally, perhaps once a week, I throw those things in the washer and dryer. They get grubby.

Yesterday I gave one of my small ice cream makers to my brother-in-law. I had bought a new one when I couldn't find the old one after I brought everything home from the mall. I used my "points" from my Amazon VISA. After I received the new one and started to put it away, I found the old one. So I told him I would give him the new one. The company also sent me a new instruction book after the one I had with the ice cream maker was taken at the mall. So now we can both make soft serve. This is one of those ice cream makers that you put the tub in the freezer. It uses no salt and no ice. It's pretty neat.

I want to go see my sister this morning about 10:00. Since we were at Springfield this Saturday, I didn't get to see her.

Tomorrow evening I am to give the invocation at the City Commission meeting at 6:30. Wednesday after work, I get my hair colored and cut, and that's about all I have scheduled for the week unless something else comes up.

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