Thursday, August 16, 2012

Another Ordinary Thursday

I will be working this afternoon as usual but this morning I have no plans outside of fixing dinner at noon. Bob got a clean bill of health yesterday after his CT scan was read. I'm glad he doesn't have to have another CT scan unless he develops symptoms. No one needs any more radiation in today's world.

Maybe I can trim after the sun comes up this morning. My yard has looked so ragged and messy for weeks. At least until the rest of my neighbor's leaves fall, my yard looks much better. The grass has gone dormant because of the drought and is almost all yellow. It's all I can do to stay ahead of her leaves which mainly fall in my yard.

I woke up very early again this morning and finally just got up at 4:00. I thought I would sleep longer after all that raking and bagging of leaves last evening. One never knows.

I did some more yard work earlier this morning. It's so warm out that it has to be done early.

It's supposed to cool off some this week and I am really looking forward to that.

More later....


Balisha said...

I was awake at 4 too. It's been a long day. Going to bed now.

Margie's Musings said...

I slept like a baby last night, Balisha. I hope you did too.