Monday, August 13, 2012

Another Working Day Monday

I will do some cleaning in the bathrooms this morning. I went out later to bag up leaves again and I got six new ones done before I had to come in and start dinner. I went to the market and bought sugar and potatoes. I used the last of my potatoes in the hamburger pie I made yesterday. I also need milk and I got that at Braums.

Bob will be coming over at 11:30 for dinner. We are having hamburger steaks, potatoes, gravy, veggies, salad (coleslaw he brings) and for dessert we will have the cherry pie cake left from yesterday's dinner at church.

Then I go to work.

Yesterday I heard from Aime, the director of the SER program where I work. She wants me to attend the Job Fair in Independence on Wednesday afternoon. They will pay me to do that. No one will hire someone my age though unless it's Brahms or Wal Mart and I don't want to work at either of those places. But I may as well go, I guess.

More later...

I decided not to go to the job fair after all on Wednesday. I consider it just a waste of time. I have to go to Independence tomorrow morning and then on to Caney to take school supplies to the Caney elementary school. That's enough travel for one week.


Balisha said...

Margie, I just don't understand why people who hire are so close minded about age. You seem to be just the perfect person for so many jobs. You are diligent,methodical, organized, neat, a hard worker, and honest to boot. There has to be a job out there for someone who is as good as you are. Walmart...pfbtt! That's not where you're at the head of the class...Balisha

Margie's Musings said...

Thanks, Balisha. But I've job hunted for a year and been back over the same ground again. No one wants someone my age.

marlu said...

I met an employee at the local newspaper doing the Lifestyle page. I don't know how long she's worked there but she told me she is eighty-eight! Sharp as a tack and helped me get our anniversary notcie in Sunday's paper.

I'm with Balisha; why don't they look at skills instead of age? Good luck.

marlu said...

Of course, I don't do proof reading as a profession -


Margie's Musings said...

Actually, Marlu, I have been a proofreader while I was in college and when newspapers actually read proof.

marlu said...

I need to "proof" my posts before I click that publish button.