Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Busy Tuesday for Romney

Romney has dug himself a large hole that he may not be able to get out of. Someone sneaked out a video of him at a fundraiser saying he really can't be concerned about 43% of the American people because they don't pay taxes. This just confirmed the commonly held belief that Romney is completely out of touch with the common folk. He called a hastily contrived press conference on twenty minutes notice last night to try to explain away what he said. I don't believe he succeeded. I watched the conference and he seemed to just dig the hole deeper. This may have alienated his base which is made up of many of these "poor" folks whom he believes live on "public assistance". I have news for Romney. I get social security and it is not a government gift. I paid into it for over 60 years and am now receiving what that insurance paid for. I have a part time job and I do pay taxes. That is noted on each paycheck.

This morning I must go feed Cyndi's cats. Then at 9:00, I will pick up Bob to go get out haircuts and deliver the cakes to the church in Independence. Then we will eat at Big Cheese there. Then after that I will go to work.

I have nothing on the agenda for tonight. I will watch American Experience.

The movie we watched last night was a disappointment. It was called "Descendants" and starred George Clooney. Neither of us was prepared to deal with a movie about a dying woman. My brother-in-law just lost my sister in July. Furthermore, the phone rang 6 times during the movie interrupting it each time. I will return it today.


marlu said...

Some folks on tv are saying he really hit his base - older persons, retired, on Social Security and Medicare who voted for McCain.

I am one of those (but not one of his base!) I hope they are paying attention.

Margie's Musings said...

I was certainly paying attention. I also heard the part where he said the Palestinians are not interested in peace....something he should never had said aloud.