Monday, February 4, 2013

A Monday Workday

It's back to work today. I hate to speak too soon but it appears the cold has begun to heal. It has been a very strange cold. When I blow, I blow blood. Every so often, a chunk of skin tissue also comes out. I don't quite know what to make of it. I've thought of going to the doctor and explaining that to him. But he and I are not on the same wavelength so I hesitate to do that. I am trying to avoid blowing today. Maybe my nose will heal.

This should be my last week (Wednesday) in my present office situation. Aime is supposed to move me by Thursday but she has not contacted me with an interview yet.

We are going to have meatloaf today. I may fry some potatoes or I may just serve them boiled. That would be healthier. We will have veggies with that meal. Bob will bring salad. I still have chocolate pudding and some cookies for our dessert.

I notice the landlord of my new fourplex was working yesterday afternoon on the carpet. I didn't stop in to see for that reason. If they are not working on it today, I may go see what they got finished yesterday this morning.

More later...


Balisha said...

Hope things are OK with you, Margie.

marlu said...

I was thinking the same thing, Balisha.
I miss my morning blog from Margie.

ChuckFu said...

I just spoke with her and she is fighting a cold and will goto Doctor Friday

Balisha said...

Thanks for letting us know. We bloggers are a close knit group and when one of us is away for a day or two...we worry like old hens.
Hopefully the Dr. will help her feel better.

Margie's Musings said...

Thanks for the good wishes folks. I will blog tonight.