Monday, June 10, 2013

A Better Night's Sleep

I had a much better night's sleep last night. I slept until 4:00 this morning and without pain. I slept with my left arm on the small foam pillow. That seems to work much of the time. I will go to exercise class this morning. After I get back home, I will call the vet and see how Missy is coming along and if I can bring her home.

We went to Bartlesville to look around yesterday afternoon for an older (2007) or so Honda Civic. There wasn't anything there but newer ones 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 and only three Civics..mostly new and ones I could not have afforded. I did see a 2007 Toyota Camry at the Honda place for $14,325 with 73,000 miles on it. Even if I could swing that though the taxes and insurance and price of gas ($40 a tank) would probably be prohibitive. It was good to look though and made me appreciate even more my little fully paid for Civic with it's 169,000 miles.

More later...

I fixed hamburgers, baked beans and homemade french fries for Bob and me for lunch. Tomorrow we will have chicken tenders with mashed potatoes and gravy and veggies. Bob will bring coleslaw.

I called Dr. Barta's office and asked about Missy. She is doing better but he can't let her come home until she is completely well of the abscess. The abscess would just come back if it didn't clear completely up. The bill will be astronomical. But I guess she's worth it. If I hadn't let her out that cat wouldn't have got her and bit her so badly that she developed this abscess. I will just have to bite the bullet.

I have an hair appointment in the morning at 10:00 in Independence. Tomorrow evening is the library board and foundation meeting.

Wednesday is my appointment for the bone density test and bone scan. I wonder if my problem with my arms isn't a complication of the erysipelas. I read that osteitis, arthritis and septic tendinitis are all rare complications of erysipelas.


Anonymous said...

I know you aren't interested in a newer model grandma but the newer toyotas and honda are the hybrids and don't take as much gas they run on electric. I've had some friends that love them bc they got 43-45mpg and can go months without filling up. And if your credit isn't that bad you can typically get a low rate and pay less in monthly payments. Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. Love you.

Margie's Musings said...

Thanks, Christina, for the input but I couldn't afford the payments, the taxes or the insurance. Also, the replacement batteries are an arm and a leg.

Balisha said...

I can't comment on the car situation, because I really don't know about prices for cars today, but as for Vet bills...It costs almost as much for an animal to be hospitalized as it does for a human. Our vet told us to get pet insurance. We no longer have a that isn't necessary. I do hope Missy gets better.
Hope you find answers to your health issues soon. Let us know how you come out on the bone tests.

Margie's Musings said...

Oh Balisha, that's terrible news about the cost of care for Missy.

I have extremely limited funds.

I will let you all know about the bone tests.