Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday Again and Exercises

It's Monday again. This time I slept well. Thank goodness! Today Bob and I will go to exercises at the senior center. We do that Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The cleaning woman is to come today to clean Bob's new apartment. I hope she does a good job. I wanted to move the stuff from Bob's kitchen tomorrow because he wants to move the furniture and everything else on Wednesday. It's supposed to rain today and tomorrow. That may put a crimp in our plans. We will just have to wait and see.

I also need to bake two cakes today for the First Christian Church in Independence. I will take the Coffeyville cakes up in the morning. I hope it will not be raining but it may be.. It's forecast.

Then when I get home, if it's possible, I will start moving his kitchen stuff. If that bathroom isn't clean to our standards, I will clean it first.

I will also fix lunch/dinner today. I intend to fix tuna cakes and boiled potatoes. We still have some of Bob's jello salad and I will fix some veggies. I have some pudding for dessert.

I presided yesterday and chose hymns from the new hymnal that were familiar. The lyrics were familiar. Unfortunately the music had been changed. None of us knew the new music. We only have two people in the congregation that can read music. We plan to have a period each Sunday morning before the worship service to practice the new hymns. We did that twenty years ago when the last new hymnal came out. But we had only had the new hymnals for a week and a half. So we had not started the practice sessions yet. The worship service was awkward because we did not know the hymns. I was embarrassed but nothing could be done about it at that point. Luckily, the sermon was good and the serving of the communion went off flawlessly.


Balisha said...

Sounds like you and Bob have a busy day ahead.
Music is something that I really look forward to at Church. When we don't know the hymns it is awkward. But, we are in a rut...singing the same hymns over and over again. So many beautiful hymns to choose from...we need a change.

Margie's Musings said...

Well, Baliaha, we certainly have a change!