Friday, December 6, 2013

Strange Friday

This is a strange day. I am still fighting whatever it is I picked up on the plane and have almost lost my voice. I took Cold Ease all day yesterday and still only have laryngitis. My nose is not running. A while ago, at 7:00 in the morning, Bob let himself in my apartment and woke me up. I had missed my hair appointment and the appointment was at 7:00 in the morning. And it snowed last night...the first snow of the season. Here's a photo of it that I took about 7:30 this morning.

Bob came back over awhile ago after I got around and got dressed. We had our coffee and visited. He just left. I had cleaned up the rattan chair that sets in my dining room/kitchen area because Missy had lain in it all day yesterday and it had cat hair in it. Bob sat there. Missy wanted him out of "her" chair but until he left, he sat in it. The minute he got up, she popped right in it. Funny cat! Here she is.

I will stay in today. I will fix lunch/dinner around noon. We will have swiss steak and potatoes, veggies and applesauce and the rest of our pudding and the last two cookies. I will bake more cookies this afternoon. Later on this evening he may come back over to watch the news and have hot chocolate and cookies.

More later...

Well lunch/dinner turned out well. We are both full and he went home to take a nap. I have done the crossword puzzle in the paper he brought over with him. I may take a nap too instead of baking cookies. We will see.

Well, I did get the cookies baked and Bob did come back over to watch TV with me. He brought some of our favorite wine and we had a small glass with some of the cookies.


Balisha said...

So glad to hear that you are home safe and sound. Sounds like jet lag. Just take it easy this weekend. Your weather looks like it will be a comfy weekend inside.

marlu said...

Glad you are back home! We're staying inside too. It is SO cold and only a small amount of snow. Thankfully, no ice here.

Margie's Musings said...

It's 9 degrees here this morning. I am still fighting whatever it was that I picked up on the plane but it is not as bad this morning. We will go to breakfast at Eggberts as usual this morning. But unlike most mornings, I will wear a coat.

Thanks for following my blog, gals!