Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Exercise Wednesday Again

I slept pretty well last night considering that I awoke with my arms aching.  I was going to take Aleve with my biscuit but by the time I got dressed and fed Missy, my aches and pains went away.

Speaking of Missy...last night she was on my lap and I attempted to stroke her usual...and she tried to bite me and did scratch me.  Darn cat! I put her down off my lap! The first time she bites me, I will put her in the carrier and take her to Dr. Barta and she will not come back with me. I will not own a cat that would bite me. I would miss her terribly but not her crotchety old age. She is climbing up on the recliner now. I have the laptop on my lap so she knows that's unavailable.  She's glaring at me!

It's almost 8:00 now and we leave at 8:45 for the exercise class. I just took last night's newspaper over to Bob.  He will read it and pass it on the Denise and Terry.

I will cut up the roast beef we had left from Monday's dinner and put it in brown gravy and serve it over mashed potatoes.  I will add a veggie and Bob will bring a salad. I will put out some frozen fruit for dessert.  I hope to make some cookies this afternoon. I also need to go to the market. I don't need much but I do need a few essential things.  I finally got my social security deposit last night.  Next month it will be just as late. The twelfth is not the latest it comes either. The fourteenth is even worse. I always run out of money before I get that late deposit. 

More later....

My peanut butter cookies turned out badly. They were thin and soft. I checked over my recipe and everything was just as it said. That's disgusting. All that time and ingredients! Oh well, they taste alright but seem thin and soft. It's like they needed and other half cup of flour or maybe my . baking soda or baking powder was old.  I don't have a clue.

Oh well.

By the way, the foxes are back. There's a mother with some kits, I believe. I put out some cat food for them but she may not eat it.  She is probably wary of food.

I took the leftover  roast and gravy to Bobby. Karan is on NutraSystem to lose weight.  She cooks for him but I know that must be hard.

I cannot get the laptop to print. I've tried everything. It will not recognize the printer in the den. has for two years. It just won't anymore. 

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