Saturday, March 1, 2014

Saturday Breakfast

Bob and I met Bobby at Eggberts for breakfast this morning.  Afterward I went to Country Mart to get a few groceries. I also bought a Coffeyville Journal. I read that and took it over to Bob's apartment so he could read it too. I then cut up the Velveeta cheese for the casserole dish I am going to fix for lunch. .Bob will bring a salad. I still have lemon pudding fixed for dessert and will also fix a veggie.  I bought eggs for Tuesday's cakes. I also bought dishwasher detergent and another cake mix (Duncan Hines were on sale) and another covered cake pan.

I stripped my bed and did a load of colored laundry and then remade my bed. Missy was resting on the bed coverlet that I had piled on top of the cedar chest.  She had to get down so I could finish making the bed.  She was not happy about that. That cat amuses me. She is so expressive. I let her outside briefly this morning and then realized it was 34 degrees out there so tried to get her to come back in. She hissed and spit at me (her usual response to anything that is not her idea) and would not come in. In a couple of minutes (when it became her idea) she came back in the house. It was just too cold for her old bones. I think she has arthritis  because she sometimes cries out when she lies down and when she gets up. 

I will probably clean this morning and run the vacuum too. It's been a week since that has been done.  This evening I will just watch TV since the storm is supposed to move in at 6:00 or thereabouts.  I doubt we will have church if the storm hits. Our parking lot would be full of ice and snow and our congregation comes in from four different communities and many are elderly and will not want to chance the weather. Leslie will probably wait until morning to make that decision.  Then we will begin calling folks to cancel..

The picture changed this afternoon. After dinner  I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with walnuts. So I didn't clean but I did wash my sheets and a load of colored clothes.  I am still waiting for the storm to arrive.  It was supposed to have started by 6:00 PM tonight but it's 9:00 PM now and still no storm.

Bob came over this evening and we had a small glass of wine and some of the cookies. I sent him home with some of them. He left about 8:00 and I took a shower and washed my hair.  I missed my Friday hair appointment and cancelled it because of the freezing rain pellets forecast that never arrived.

Oh yes...they did cancel church.


Balisha said...

Have a nice first of March weekend. Can you believe it's March already?

Margie's Musings said...

Yes, because we are expecting a major storm tonight. You will probably get it too, Balisha!