Monday, April 7, 2014

Rainy Monday

It's a little rainy today and we are forecast for some ore rain today and tonight.   We need the rain but I hope it is finished before we leave for Branson on Friday. I do not like to drive in rain.  It's supposed to be finished by Wednesday.

The money for this coming weekend came from my friends Ron and Joyce.  I have read and critiqued Ron's autobiography and he insisted on paying me for my time. Dear Ron and Joyce..over the years they have sent me money. Ron and I have worked together on a book for the past eight years or more . I have done the scanning of documents and he has done most of the actual writing.  When I went to Hawaii last November at my daughter's expense, they sent me my spending money.  They are wonderful people with hearts of gold.

I slept well last night. I did wake up with a very sore back but once I got off of it, it is fine.  My right arm is a little sore but I slept on it most of the night so that explains it.

This morning  I will go to exercise class alone. Bob has a dental appointment. He has several dental problems that must be dealt with before we leave Friday. We are not sure what he will be able to eat so I will not fix lunch today. If he is up to it, we will go somewhere and eat lunch out.  

Tonight we will put the trash out to the curb for the fourplex.  I hope it will not be raining then.

More later....

They mowed least a young man did. He blew off my patio afterward but left the leaves. I went out and raked the rest of them and put them in a bag and in the trash. 

I went to Caney to get my new contact. It's a sample. Doctor thinks he can improve my small print vision. So good!


Steve Finnell said...
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Margie's Musings said...

Someone who sounded like a Baptist minister critiqued my sermon. He evidently is an advocate of salvation theology. I deleted his comments. My sermon is the result of my own studies and I posted it for the information of my personal blogging friends. If they don't accept it, that's fine. But I am not arguing with someone who has an opposing view. Neither of us would accept the other's viewpoint anyhow.

I have a friend who is a retired Methodist minister who says much of my viewpoints are taught in seminary but ministers generally do not share them with their congregations because it is not in their career best interests.

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Rainy and dreary and cold here too!

How nice that you have such good friends! :)

Margie's Musings said...

Rainy and dreary here too, Deb.

ChuckFu said...

Not here, very nice, getting breaks on the Z tomorrow, got breaks on Esther's car last week