Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thursday and House Cleaning Day

I woke up at 4:30 this morning and just got up. I have a big day ahead. I am doing the laundry again after stripping my bed. I have Missy's afghans in the dryer on "fresh air" to rid them of cat hair.

I will take her out for awhile after it gets light. She was very good about not begging to go out last night. Of course it was up in the 90s last night. That might explain it. One good thing was that the mower came and mowed our yard. It was either going to have to be mowed or baled soon.

First I will have my first cup of coffee, my cranberry juice and my cereal (and my meds) and then when the second cup is ready, we will go out on the carport to have it. I'll get back to this later...

I did take Missy out for an hour. There was a nice breeze. Bob walked over. He is trying to walk some each day while it is relatively cool. After awhile he left to go back home and shave and get ready for his day. He is taking Meals on Wheels for Barbara today. Missy didn't want to come in when I was ready but I picked her up and brought her in anyhow. I needed to get busy on my cleaning.

I got the apartment squeaky clean once again. I changed my bed and did a load of laundry.  Then I washed the bathroom floor and the kitchen floor and vacuumed and dusted.

I am going to fix goulash for lunch. We still have some garlic bread and Bob's coleslaw. I will fix a veggie to go with that and I still have pudding and cookies for dessert. Tomorrow we will eat that roast again. We have quite a bit leftover from yesterday.

I am going to run by the Presbyterian church and leave the clothes I packed up last week. These are things I haven't worn in years.  Then I need to make a quick trip to Independence to get my makeup. I barely had enough for this morning. I will get back home in time to fix the goulash and lunch. Then I will go to work.

More later...

Well, lunch was good and I made it to work to spend most of the afternoon scanning bar codes in a very noisy children's department.  I got four bookcases finished.  It was exhausting working in the noise of screaming children. It's unbelievable that parents don't even try to "shhhh" them.  It is a library, after all. Not a recreation center.

I got home to a couple of cups of warm a mocha and the other  a Chi Latte.  Bob texted that it was too hot to get out and will see me in the morning. Sounds good to me. I am wiped out.  I ate some yogurt and a couple of small cookies. I almost stopped at Sonic for a mini blast with Reese's pieces. I withstood the temptation. I will take my bath at 7:00 and watch CNN until I go to bed.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

LOL I always leave here hungry and wanting what YOU had for dinner or lunch :)

The heat is due to hit us starting tomorrow but we had a perfect day today. No rain for a change, and a cool morning and tolerable afternoon with no humidity whatsoever!

You cleaned today and I had three grand girls UN clean my place ha ha !

Margie's Musings said...

I was exhausted after work. Probably because I had also cleaned my apartment.