Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wednesday and Hump Day

Well, I'm halfway through my work week and I'm always glad to get to Wednesday...even though I will probably be over in the children's department scanning bar codes again.  I don't mind if it's just a library is supposed to be.

I took Missy out at 6:00 this morning and it was very humid and warm. We stayed out an hour and I re-potted my two house plants. I hope they make it now. They were both root bound. We came in at 7:00 and I soon left for the market. 

I bought a chuck roast. In fact, I bought two very small ones and paid about $9.00 each for them. That's phenomenal! You'd think it was brisket at that cost....or arm roast.   Oh's only money. :) I have the roast in the slow cooker now with onions and onion soup mix and carrots and potatoes.

I also got a load of laundry done this morning, folded and put away. Now tomorrow, I will change my bed and wash the sheets.  I will also vacuum and dust.

I forgot to get my makeup while we were in Independence yesterday. Darn memory! I didn't have it written down and if it isn't written down somewhere, it doesn't happen.

Bob came over awhile ago. He is going to exercise class. I have given that up. I get plenty of exercise at the library getting up and down off  the floor.

Missy has finally stopped troubling me to go back outside. It is terrible out there. It's supposed to be nearly 100 degrees today. It's already 80 and it's only 8:45.

I have the sermon Sunday and I am not particularly happy with it. The theme is "Proclaim Peace". That ought to be an easy one. I will post it here after awhile.

More later....

I took some photos of my re-potted plants.  They look pretty good so far. They were both root bound.

Here they are...

Hopefully they can now grow since their roots are no longer bound. The one on the lower level is a Christmas Cactus. It usually blooms in December.

Here are my two flowers beds and the flowers in the boxes out front. The red salvia is really stressed out. The Dusty Miller seems to be doing fine though.

This one needs some color. All I have in it is lavender and succulents.  It's pretty blaw.

These look pretty good! I water them daily.

I just returned from meeting with Bob, Bobby and Karan, Marilyn and Judy at Utopia.  Judy just lost her brother night before last and the services are next Monday at 11:30. I will try to make them even if I have to work some time in that morning. Judy has been a really good friend. She and Howard now live in California. They flew back to see her brother, Jack, before he died.

It's now time to put lunch on the table so I'd better get back to this later......We had that roast for lunch. It was pretty good. We will have it again on Friday. Tomorrow I believe we will have goulash and garlic bread with coleslaw. I still have some vanilla pudding and cookies for our dessert.

More later...

Missy has been really good this evening...with no demands to go outside.  Maybe she knows it's terribly hot out there. After Bob left at 7:00 I took my bath and Missy laid in my lap until I came in here to the den to bring this blog up to date. Then we went to bed.

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