Monday, May 16, 2016

A Busy Monday

Today will be busy. As soon as the courthouse opens I will go up there and get a copy of Scott and Ginger's marriage license.  They have mislaid the original.

Leslie is to come this morning after her hair appointment about 11:00. I will give her and John one of those sausage and pasta casserole dishes for their dinner this evening. I am doing my laundry right now and will re-make my bed before I leave for the courthouse. It's in the dryer now.

I will get some hamburger patties out for lunch. I think we will just have hamburgers and french fries.  I will need something simple since I don't know how long it will take to finish at the courthouse. I will not go to exercise class this morning either. The morning time is too uncertain.

This afternoon I will bake my cake for the Independence First Christian Church's dinner tomorrow evening. After it cools, I will ice it.  I will also have my hair done tomorrow while I'm up there.

More later...

This is the latest scene of the house my son and daughter-in-law are building.

Slowly but surely..they are getting there. This is going to be a lovely home.

I went to the City Hall this morning and got copies of Scott and Ginger's marriage license.  I got to visit with one of my favorite people old boss, Bonnie. She is a charmer! She made the copies and would not charge me anything.  I got them in the mail to the kids this morning before lunch.

Lunch was fine. It was homemade hamburgers and french fries. We had pound cake and fruit for dessert.

After lunch...and after Bob left, I made my cake for tomorrow. After it cooled, I iced it. Now I can relax. Everything I had to do including my cleaning, is finished.

I have been reading this afternoon. I am waiting for the mailman.

More even later...

The driveway is finished in this photo from yesterday.

Bob came over for the news and read the Sunday Reporter newspaper.  When he left I took my bath and Missy and I sat in the recliner and watched TV until 9:00 when we went to bed.

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