Thursday, June 22, 2017

Thursday and Another Sleepless Night

I did not sleep well at all again last night. I awoke at 1:30 and never did get back to sleep. At 3:30, I just gave up and got up. I had way too much on my mind and it seemed to be impossible to shut it down.

First I thought about having that bunion redone. I will have to be either on crutches or a walker for six weeks afterward while it heals. Then I thought about the redo of my bladder surgery. I decided it would have to be done first. That will be a six weeks recovery....again. After that is all well, I will probably plan to have the bunion surgery....if it can be done. That will take me into the least twelve weeks of recoveries.  All that kept me awake....again. It's 4:00AM now. No sense trying to go back to bed now.

This morning I will call Dr. Gillis about my swollen ankle. When I get up in the morning, it is fine until I have been up an hour and then it swells up again and stays swollen all day.  I don't know what to make of it. I want to see if he can see me before he leaves for his next weeks week-long vacation. It will have to be today or tomorrow because he will be gone all next week.

My friend, Mary, from Springfield, that I got to see again at camp, called me last night to see how the ankle was doing. I told her it was still swelled up and the doctor was out both Monday and Tuesday and will be gone all next week. It was sweet of her to be concerned. We talked a bit but really nothing can be done until I can see a doctor about it. And then, I don't know what he can do about it. It isn't injured. It's just swollen.  I called his office on Monday but he was out and would be out Tuesday as well. Yesterday I already had way too much on my plate to try to see him.  When I called on Monday they wanted me to see the nurse practitioner instead. I told the receptionist I would just go to the Urgent Care on 11th street. She said if they needed an x-ray they would just send me back to them to have it done. Why would they need an x-ray? I hadn't fallen or twisted it and hurt just swells. An x-ray just shows bone anyhow. I don't need the additional x-ray. I spent seven years working in dental offices doing x-rays without any protection.  So I just forgot about seeing a nurse practitioner.

We will have that leftover roast beef and gravy for lunch today. I still have potatoes and carrots to have with it and some of Bob's jello salad. We will have cookies and fruit for dessert.  Tomorrow I plan to have the pork cutlets I bought day before yesterday.

More later...

My daughter, Leslie, called this morning. I explained my dilemma about needing two different surgeries and having a recovery time of twelve weeks. She said "why not have them at the same time and just have one six week recovery."  She is smarter then the average bear.  I sure didn't think of that.  I'll see if I can do that.

More later...

I finally got the doctor's office. My doctor is not in today either and he's completely booked tomorrow and will be gone on vacation all next week. They offered to give me to a PA or a NP but I want to see a doctor. She gave me to Dr. Christiansen, my brother-in-law Bob's doctor. I will see him at 10:30.  It wouldn't be such a big deal but the camp nurse told me there is a chance of a blood clot with swollen ankles.

So, at least I will see a doctor.

I went to see Dr. Christiansen and he said the swelling was probably because of the heat and the fact that we did so much sitting during the services.  He said I appeared to be in very good shape and not to worry about a blood clot.  I decided I like him. He seems very down to earth, personal, practical and nice.

I got home in time to warm up the roast and potatoes and carrots. We also had the rest of Bob's salad. Marilyn R., my neighbor, brought us over some cup cakes and we had those for dessert.

I took Marilyn the rest of the roast and carrots and potatoes. She had that for her lunch.

I went to Orschelon's and bought ten small cement blocks and laid them in that flowerbed on that peat moss that the birds dropped seed into and pulled out most of the sprouting seeds. Now I can fill the bird feeder again and if they drop seed this time, it will fall on those blocks. I will take a photo of that solution and post it here. I will also take a photo of the flower bed that I replanted the flowers in. I had to transplant the hen and chicks too. The squirrels dug them out and ruined that flowerbed too. I've had a time trying to have flowers.

Here the flowerbed that I moved all those flowers to. I looks fuller now.

This is the tomato plant with five tomatoes on it. I threw one away because a squirrel had evidently taken a bite from it.

Anyhow this is all for now.  More later..

Bob came over about a quarter past 5:00 and stayed to watch the news. After that, he left to go home and watch "Mysteries at the Museum" . I don't get that program on my TV.  I took my bath and put my PJs on before  I had a cookie and a cup of Chai. Then I watched "This Old House" on PBS.  After that, I came in here to bring the blog up to date. I will go to bed at 9:00.


clairz said...

Hi, Margie, just checking in. I'm sorry you are being troubled by all these issues. My foot doctor told me that if I were to have my bunion fixed that it would just re-form, because it had been the way it is for too long and there wasn't much point to fixing it at my age (72). I sometimes think they give up on us at a certain point. I sure don't get as many referrals for annual this- and that-appointments that used to be so "necessary." Or maybe they don't get as much money out of us, who knows?

Blazing hot here in Las Cruces==every afternoon well over 100. I've discontinued my lovely morning walk until this awful heat has passed. Yes, it's cooler in the early mornings but I feel like I have to conserve my strength for the rest of the day.

My poor hens suffer with the heat and I do what I can to cool them down. One died, however. The others seem to doing okay.

Take care. I'll get back to that Zees Go West blog at some point. Right now I'm still doing research for the family history blog, Remember. I'm still trying to figure out how my family traveled from Maine to Cherokee, Iowa. There will be some blog posts about that, for sure. I'm reading lots of books about women's experiences in covered wagons and on Iowa homesteads.

Stay cool, and thanks for checking in on my blog.

Margie's Musings said...

You bet, Clairz. I always enjoyed reading your blog! Thanks for checking in on me.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

I have read on past posts that you take thyroid medication. I have been told by my endocrinologist a couple of different times that swelling in my ankle was probably due to my thyroid problems. I can't remember if my thyroid was under active or overactive at the times of the ankle swelling when the endocrinologist told me that. My thyroid levels have been all over the place, since my thyroid med dose apparently needs to be changed depending on what my weight is doing.

Margie's Musings said...

Thank you, Susie. I will check that out.