Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday and Church

I slept somewhat better last night but really nothing to write home about. I took a melatonin tablet when I woke up in the night at 2:00 to go to the bathroom. That helped some.

I got up about 4:00 and got myself ready for the day, fed Missy and myself and got my coffeecake in the oven. I just finished icing it. Actually I put a glaze on it.  I have also read the newspaper and done the crossword puzzle. I took the paper over to Marilyn's mailbox. She will read it and  recycle the papers. I also put my usual note on Rick's windshield inviting them and Ramon to church.

I will call Phyllis about my driving today.

Well, that was futile! She says she is driving! Phyllis insists on taking a turn with driving. I don't argue with her. Whatever... :)

She will be over in about an hour.

When we get home from lunch I will do my newsletters and then bake my cake for Tuesday' dinner at the First Christian Church in Independence,. I will be gone to Kansas City tomorrow to get my release from the doctor that did my surgery.

More later....

Karan did a nice job with the sermon today. Afterward three of us went to "Just Us" for lunch. Then we came home and I baked my cake for Tuesday. I took the last piece of coffee cake over to Rick to give to Alan. Alan is still asleep. He was up half the night on the internet.

I got the newsletters finished and in the mail. The postman will pick up the two that have to go out in snail mail. The others went to those that are online.

It's now 3:30 and at 6:00 I will want to watch 60 Minutes.  That is there isn't a golf tournament. I get very tired of sports preempting regular programming. Not everyone in the world is a sports nut.

More later...

I did watch 60 Minutes and looked for something to watch on Amazon. I just couldn't get interested. At 9:00, Missy and I finally went to bed.


Galla Creek said...

I will read the Comey book.

Margie's Musings said...

That's good, Sister-Three. I was impressed.