Anyhow. The cough is back (evidently the wind while mowing yesterday)and I am back to taking cough syrup and zinc lozenges. I do not want to get the sinus infection again.
Keith called me last night on his way home from work. Yesterday was his and Esther's eighth anniversary. He has been so happy with her and she is so good to him! Her usually calls me when he's on his way home from work...before he gets into the heavy traffic. He is very good about that.
I just called Gay to see what her weather was like. She says they are forecast for light rain. Their hamburger place has closed there in Chanute so she wants all of us to drive over to Humboldt to have lunch. She says they have a good place to eat there.
I plan to go up early and get those foot square pavers at the Chanute Walmart store.
I will get back to this after I return from Chanute.
So, more later...
I found those pavers in the Walmart in Chanute and they loaded them into my trunk. I forgot that John, my son-in-law, was going to be in Nauvoo, Illinois, working on the church's property there. Now I need to find someone strong enough to lift them from my trunk and take them to the back yard to set next to my small patio to enlarge it.
I had a real good visit with Gay and the two friends she had there that had lunch with us. I drove us over to Humboldt where the restaurant was located. Gay bought my lunch there. It was a very good hamburger and french fries with Pepsi (first) and then iced tea. I just don't like Pepsi..If I am going to have pop, I prefer Coke or Root Beer. Anyhow, we had a fine visit and I got Gay back to Chanute in time for her hair appointment.
When I texted John, he called me to tell me he was in Nauvoo, Illinois, working on volunteering for the church. That's neat! He is doing a good thing helping out there.
Even More!
Then I had a text from Leslie telling me she was on her way to my place. I asked her what for and she said John had texted her that I needed someone to bring in those huge pavers from my car trunk.
Some years back, Leslie had back surgery and I sure didn't think she had any business carting those huge things around but here she was and she was going to do it anyhow. So she did. I may eventually get three more just to give myself more room for my chairs .

Anyhow, these kids obviously take care of me.
Now it is 7:50PM and I have had my bath. I will try to stay up until 9:00PM.
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