Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday and Church

I was up before 4:00AM and made up my face, put my contact in my right eye and dressed after making my bed I haven't checked out the cats yet. It's too early. And I can1find the password to this blog I have been through

More Later....

I did catch :the "weather on the 8's

and here it is

Today is to be 93 degrees  and sunny, tomorrow is to be 85 degrees and  partly cloudy, Tuesday is to be  82 degrees and cloudy, Wednesday is to be 86 degrees and partly cloudy, Thursday is to be 88 degrees  and mostly sunny,  Friday is to be 85 degrees and mostly sunny.That's the week and no ran

I have been through the list

More even later...Now I will check on the cats.

More even later...