I just read something interesting. I just learned why President Carter was not invited to speak during the Democratic convention. His views on the Israeli situation are offensive to the Jewish delegates and perhaps the Jewish voters and because of that he opted out of the opportunity to speak. Instead, they showed that video, showing he and Rosalind working to rebuild New Orleans following hurricane Katrina. In protest of even showing the video, Nan Rich left the convention. That shows what kind of person she is.
What a tragedy that he had to do that to appease a group of people whose national policies he has rightfully condemned.
President Carter is considered one of the most decent and respected men in the world...by all but Israel. He criticized Israel in his 2006 book for their apartheid practices against the Palestinians. And because he nailed them on that practice, he has alienated them. Anyone who has read his book realizes that he very carefully documented every word.
And he is one president I respect. I respect him even more after learning of his decision not to participate and damage the chances of Obama to be elected. Obama will have an uphill battle against the racist element as it is.
I visited Israel for the first time while Jimmy Carter was there doing research for his book "The Blood of Abraham." I can tell you, from seeing with my own eyes,the things he says in his book are true. I don't understand why people in this country think Israel can do no wrong. I think a lot of it comes from conservative Christianity and their misinterpretation of the Bible.
Exactly! I am so sorry people are so stupid that they don't investigate these things for themselves. They just buy into the party line, Linda.
I have always liked Carter. I thought he was honest and tried very hard to be a good president.
Yes, but the Republicans stacked the deck against him. It is my understanding that he bartered the release of the hostages but Reagan made them wait until just after he was sworn in the get them actually released.
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