Monday, January 19, 2009

The Big Celebration

The Martin Luther King Celebration in Independence was to a packed house. Dr. Jackson gave a rousing sermon to a cheering congregation. The music was great too. It was quite different from the quieter celebration in Coffeyville the day before.

The only damper on the evening was that our speaker, Dr. Timothy Jackson, from Bartlesville, got the time wrong and was thirty minutes late. Luckily there was a lot of program before his sermon and he was not late for his sermon.

Afterward, we all gathered in the all purpose room behind the church and had refreshments. There were 153 there, compared to the 52 at the Coffeyville celebration. Thorough planning made the difference.

Anyhow, it's on to the Barach Obama inauguration celebration now! I hope it goes off without a hitch.


Judy said...

I am looking forward to watching the inaugeration, too, Margie. I hope all goes well. I just can't believe how many people are in Washington for this event. History in the making!

Margie's Musings said...

Last night the Obamas had to sit behind bullet proof glass to enjoy the festivities.

Balisha said...

Hi Margie,
We've been watching the Martin Luther King doings in DC. My daughter lives there and says they are selling mementos on every street corner, porta potties everywhere,and she went to where he is going to speak, on her lunch hour, and sat in the front row.She said, "I was there." She is staying home tomorrow. Working for the gov. she has a long holiday.

Margie's Musings said...

That's wonderful, Balisha!