Friday, January 22, 2010

Another Doctor's Appointment

Bob has another doctor's appointment this afternoon. I guess we're going to have to try a more expensive antibiotic. The cheap ones are not working to get his infection under control. His arm and hand are just as badly swollen as ever.

First though, we will go take Leslie, our daughter,to lunch.

Slinky has been a bad dog this morning. For one thing, he woke me up to go out three times last night and I am bushed. Then this morning, he got into my flowerbed to eat dirt. I drove him our of that. I am not going to tolerate having my flower beds destroyed by this old dog. Worse yet, when I let him back in, he decided to eat the cat's litter. I told him "No!" quite forcefully but he completely ignored me. Then I lightly swatted him on the backsides and he growled at me. So I put him out. He has been out there barking periodically to get back in but I am ignoring him. I will not tolerate a dog that will not mind. This old dog is going to be thirteen years old this year. He is deaf and partly blind. We love him but if he gets crotchety with me, I will have to make some tough decisions.

More later after the doctor's appointment at 2:00/3:00. Bob cannot remember which it was so I will have to call the doctor's office later on to check.

It was 2:00PM

Melissa got him right in and looked him over carefully. Nothing had changed. What she really wanted to do was put him in the hospital and do the IV but he convinced her to first try the more powerful antibiotic.

She said it would probably cost about $150. Then she came back and said the Prescription Shop had brought her some free prescription trials last week and one of them was a cousin to the drug she wanted to use. So she gave us one of their "free trial" scripts and we had it filled. That saved us about $150. She did say though, that if this one did not work, she would put him in the hospital and do the IV.

He has been reading the literature. It is full of side effects and contraindications. But I will see that he takes it anyhow...leery as he is.


Anonymous said...

I hope they can do something for your Bob today. He should have seen some improvement by now. It can sometimes get bad when a dog gets older. I remember we had to put my mother-in-law's dog down years ago because he started biting her in his old age. He actually jumped on her once and she was a very tiny little lady. We could not take a chance on him hurting her seriously. I hope you get some kind of good news at the doctor's office.

Margie's Musings said...

Thanks, Judy. I hope so too.

pat m said...

Have they given Bob any intravenous antibiotics to help jump start the healing process?

Slinky sounds like he needs a checkup at the Vet.

Margie's Musings said...

That's what the doctor wants to try next, Pat...if this antibiotic doesn't work.