Saturday, January 2, 2010

Boring Saturday

This has been a boring day. It is 17 degrees out there and we have simply stayed home and stayed in. I will bake some cornbread after awhile. Bob fixed beans today. I am a little leery of eating them. A couple of weeks ago, I ate some and they made me sick....queasy anyhow.

I read most of the morning and finished one book and began another. I worked on my budget and brought my checkbook up to date. I posted on our churches web board a couple of times too. I also worked on my classmates newsletter. It's ready to go to the printer's now if no one else writes me a letter. It's ten pages long (five pages on each side).

I have read several blogs today and read the news online. Not much going must be too cold.

This will be short.

1 comment:

Sansego said...

How can any day that involves reading ever be boring? I haven't experienced boredom in a looooooong time. I just don't have the time to be bored. Reading time is a gift...when everything else is done. You should be grateful for that. Many people don't have the time to read a book or two for several hours in the day.