Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wild Wedneday Morning

We just had a wrestling match here. Bob had wet the bed and wanted to go to the bathroom. I wanted him to use the urinal. He insisted on going to the bathroom. We got him in there after using those baby steps again. He then stepped out of his wet pjs. We wanted to put dry pjs on him and that was a real challenge too since once we got him sitting down on the stool, he couldn't get back up without us inflicting severe to help him up. Together, Scott and I finally got him up after we got the pjs on him and we baby stepped him back to bed only to find that the sheets were wet too. So we tried to lay him down on the daybed so we could change the sheets on the hospital bed. But he was dead weight and he instead sat almost on the floor. Scott and I each took a leg and hoisted him up on the daybed and he was exhausted and still dead weight.

We cleaned off the bed and pushed the hospital bed next to the daybed then using the bedding to carry him over the hospital bed, we moved him. The bedding is still under half of his body and I am washing the sheets and the pjs now. It will be another challenge to get the hospital bed remade. I think we will use the same strategy and move him back to the daybed using the bedding so we can remake the hospital bed. Then we can move him back on the hospital bed the same way. I would have had to call Bobby and Howard, friends of ours, if Scott had not been here. He has been a Godsend. In fact, my children have all been a Godsend. Leslie spent her Saturday here with me and Keith, in Phoenix, is so frustrated that he can't be here until Saturday. I'm sure without them, our friends and God I would have fallen apart long ago. This is all such a tragedy.

Our granddaughter, Ashley called this morning for the second time and checked on his progress.

The aide came and gave Bob a bed bath and shaved him today. I'm sure that makes him feel better.

More later:

Scott stayed with Bob while I went to see my sister, who has Alzheimer's. My brother-in-law has lymphoma and they have not treated it...just watched it for a year now. Now they are going to recommend some kind of treatment.

This week, my sister went to the doctor because the leg with the hip replacement has been aching. They did a test and also gave him something to help her to sleep sounder. She wakes up at 10:00 or so and is ready to get dressed and get up. She often goes to bed at 5:30 or so. They also did some blood work and in the process discovered she has a liver problem of some kind and so they also did a sonogram to discover the cause. She was diagnosed a couple of years ago with gall stones but they have never given her a problem so they were left untreated. They will know the results of the sonogram one day soon.

Life gets very complicated.


Balisha said...

Hang in there, Margie. What a struggle you are having. My thoughts and prayers are with you. It's all I can do..Balisha

Linda said...

I am so sorry you and Bob are having to go through this. I'm especially sorry Bob is in so much pain.

In times like these you'll find the strength you need but it won't be there until one second before you need it.

You'll also look back on these days and wonder how you did it.

You will also experience exhaustion like you've never experienced before.

Remember you have family, friends and bloggers thinking about you through this time. People do care, we just can't all be there to help in a physical way.

Margie's Musings said...

Thank you so much, friends. I may never have met you in person but you are definably a part of our support system.

Sylvia K said...

I do hurt for you Margie and for Bob and for your family. This is such an awful thing for all of you to have to go through. You will continue to find the strength because that is who you are, but I do hope for some relief for all of you soon! My thoughts and prayers are with you.


Margie's Musings said...

You folks are too kind. Thank you so much for your encouragement.