This has been a huge day. It started at 9:30 this morning when we all went to church....Keith, Scott, Jerod, Christina and me. Scott and Keith picked up Jerod at Tulsa airport on Saturday night. They didn't get in until 12:30 AM. We were all exhausted. This morning we went to Church School and then church. I had the message. Then afterward we had a basket dinner and then decorated for the Celebration of Life for Bob. Our sanctuary seats 49. We had close to 150. For us,it was huge. All four of us spoke and many from the audience also spoke of what a great guy Bob was. Denise sang "Thank you" and it was wonderful. The service turned out very well.
Friends came that we had not seen for years and years. Our Mission Center President came all the way from Springfield. It was wonderful to see everyone.
After we cleaned up the church (and many of our congregation helped us) we went over to our campgrounds and distributed Bob's ashes just as he wanted. Scott said a fine prayer and Leslie read a poem. We all hugged. It was the end of a perfect day...an exhausting day...but a perfect day. We were all very satisfied that we did exactly what he had wanted.
We got home a little after 9:00. I took a hot bath and am ready to go to bed. Christina will leave in the morning. Keith will leave on Wednesday when I take him to Wichita to catch his plane. Then I will be alone again.
It has been quite a day for you, Margie, but you have a strength that not many of us have. And you are never really alone -- now or in the future. I know I will always be there for you as I'm sure others are, too. You're a very brave woman and I do admire you. And I am here for you in whatever small way I can be.
Thank you, Sylvia. I hope I can continue to be brave. I try to live my life one day at a time. That's all any of us are given. It helps so much to have so much support from my friends....friends like you. Even though I have never met you, I feel that I know you and you and Judy and others have been wonderful support.
Hi Margie, I am so glad that everything went well and you all were pleased with the service. Please try and get some rest now that all the events are over. I know you have to be exhausted. It may take you several days to come down from all of this. I thought about you and your family yesterday and was hoping it would be good for you all and it was.
I hope you have a restful week. Love and hugs, Judy
Margie, you have an amazing attitude. Don't forget to stop and rest and take care of yourself.
I sure will Clairz. And thank you and Judy too for your kind words.
I'm so glad that everything went well. I was thinking of you off and on yesterday. I'm just repeating what the others said...try to rest and take it easy for a few days.You are never alone...Balisha Hugs
That is true. God is with me and my friends are wonderful support.
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