Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another Mispent Wednesday

Again, my work was very dull and boring. There was some work to do but it was about two hours worth. The other hour I sat and watched my supervisor work.

After work, I went with my brother-in-law to get his CT scan. He should know the results in a day or two. He bought my lunch afterward. We had a nice visit.

Tomorrow, I will get my hair done. I will call Juanita and see if she wants to go to lunch. I did and she did. So I will pick her up after I get off work...I figure I will get there at 11:30. That will give us some time to visit before my 1:45 appointment. Her son is back with her. He was gone for two weeks back to Chicago.

It's supposed to rain tonight and the roofers did not get my brother-in-law's roof on. They have the tar paper on it. I hope they get it finished before the rain comes. I wonder what they've been doing all day while he was gone?

He bought me a nice chicken cranberry walnut salad at Garfield's for my going with him. That was nice and unexpected.

I talked to Scott this morning. He's having a time getting to sleep.


Anonymous said...

I used to go crazy at work if I did not have anything to do. I can't stand to just sit and do nothing. Sounds like you have been doing some of that. I have worked in my yard for 2 days. It was 86 here today and very humid. Guess we are going right into summer! Your lunch sounds good.

Margie's Musings said...

It was, Judy.

I too cannot stand to be idle. Time just drags.

It rained here last night so I couldn't mow. I had hoped to get that done before the weekend.